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Everything posted by Dave_In_Norfolk

  1. Or, the revenues will flow and the jobs will be created even with higher taxes. The GOP will have to flush all their arguments down the memory hole once again and start over.
  2. Absolutely. So many of our children are born with two strikes against them at birth. No reason at all there shouldn't be more invested in going in and giving these kids a healthier and more enlightened environment to flourish in. Already back from your two martini lunch I see
  3. A lot of that is because the government came in and forced the tobacco companies off the public airwaves and stopped them from doing mass fraudulent advertising about how 9 out of 10 doctors smoke Kent Cigarettes. The other cultural factor has been the movie industry not showing everyone and their brother constantly smoking. Government and Hollywood! You don't think the ability of people to have regular checkups to catch illnesses early would have an affect on mortality?
  4. This is really turning into a nightmare for Republicans. They are screaming about the debt but are totally unserious about how to deal with it. And Obama might just come through this with a big win. Leadership!
  5. You are just an idiot. You know more about the future than me? You are so scared of losing your followers here. You are completely worthless. Well, Tom loves your suckoffnes, as a matter of fact, he lives for your suckoffness, but that's not much of a thing to be known for
  6. Change happens! You can hope that America is economically down all you want. But the American economy is way beyond your limited expectations and hopes for failure. America is can do! Republicans are not.
  7. You should rarely if ever say never. Have you been paying attention to the technological progress taking place? Thirty years from now I have a hard time believing somebody will be saying seriously that machines/computers will not be replacing most labor needed on the planet in the not too distant future. Booster: Don't you think Air Craft Carriers themselves will be obsolete soon? On so many levels it seems that they will not be needed. Geo-politically, technologically, economically they will be dinosaures soon.
  8. To do what? Celebrate Obama's reelection? The guy isn't even down in the polls much and the GOP doesn't even have a candidate to beat up on yet. The budget will best be taken care of by growing the economy and hopefully that will start happening in the second half of this year.
  9. Retarded to try and pump up the economy in a deep recession? To give people jobs while local and state goverments are cutting jobs?
  10. http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2011/07/06/world/americas/immigration.html?nl=todaysheadlines&emc=tha22
  11. You need help. I don't know if prozac will help you but whatever it is go and find some help. No! Don't do it online, go and actually see a living doctor. Put the mouse down and get away from the computer. There is a world away from twobillsdrive.com, there really is. You don't need to post your hate on every single thread dude. Take a break already. If you follow my advice you might actually thank me one day. Get some sun or something
  12. Old Tom, hitting two posters with one stone. A-hole! Oh, excuse me! The Federal government will no longer be able to add more debt in a growing economy, with a growing population and who knows what new needs in the future. I feel so much better now you complete idiot
  13. I would disagree simply because the macho types exert so much peer pressure on people that generally reasonably people are persuaded into doing dumb things. Helmet laws are just a good idea
  14. I wonder what Billy Mitchell would say? http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/global-race-on-to-match-us-drone-capabilities/2011/06/30/gHQACWdmxH_story.html
  15. Fact: Republicans are pushing a balanced budget amendment Fact: LABillzFan is a moron
  16. Now the GOP has trotted out the Balanced Budget Amendment. Oh joy. I thought the Republicans wanted government run like a business? What business do you know of that is forbidden to carry debt? If this was a serious proposal and not just political bs playing upon the ignorance of Ron Paul types I'd call this treasonous, an deliberate attempt to cripple our Federal Republic
  17. So? The point wasn't just to create jobs it was to halt the crippling process of de-flation. So the stimulous was meant to pump money into the economy to "stimulate" consumer spending which would then create other jobs down the line.
  18. I'll speculate that these housing units are part of the housing glut and someone decided to put people into ownerless property instead of letting them sit and rot and become a financial burden on the community
  19. Rush Limbo has that beat! I was just out driving and heard this, he had callers saying it was the best drink EVER! http://www.buzzfeed.com/gavon/two-if-by-tea-the-rush-limbaugh-soft-drink note to dittoheads, the Patriots boycotted tea
  20. Ok, then I'll just hijack this thread Conservative judge rules Obama/Romney's government mandated buying of health care is Constitutional http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/06/bush-appointed-former-scalia-clerk-upholds-constitutionality-of-health-care-law.php?ref=fpa
  21. Oh? I suppose Exxon and Goldman are pushing for the closing of the tax loopholes in the budget talks now? Come on, you can do better than that
  22. Ever listen to the "Taxman" This really isn't very surprising if you know anything at all about the Beatles. He left the UK to avoid the taxes there
  23. Please get in the race! http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-06-29/texas-bird-hunting-rule-may-help-perry-launch-white-house-bid.html He has Uncle Ted's Confederate support!
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