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Everything posted by Dave_In_Norfolk

  1. Watching Rachel right now and oh boy I think Romney would be great! Check out the Bain capital dirt they have on the "job creator"
  2. "Our problem is we made a big deal about this for three months," said Graham of the debt limit debate, according to Politico. "How many Republicans have been on TV saying, 'I'm not going to raise the debt limit'? You know, Mitch [McConnell] says, 'I'm not going to raise the debt limit unless we talk about Medicare.' And I've said I'm not going to raise the debt limit until we do something about spending and entitlements.'" "We shouldn't have said that if we didn't mean it... We've got nobody to blame but ourselves," Graham told reporters. http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-503544_162-20079442-503544.html That's right Lindsey. And the stupid people of America want these incompetent boobs back in power? The new polls that just came out are showing America is sticking with the smart guy instead of the tea party filth http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/171425-quinnipiac-poll-finds-more-voters-would-blame-gop-on-debt "Forty-eight percent of those polled said Republicans would be mainly responsible if the debt ceiling is not raised, compared to 34 percent who said the Obama administration. But the Quinnipiac poll shows respondents blame former President George W. Bush much more than the current president for the problems. Fifty-four percent blame Bush more for the economy, compared to 27 percent who say Obama is more to blame. More than twice as many independents blame Bush than Obama." Oh ya, let's go back to the Bush tax cut, free market agenda! Idiots, pure and simple idiots! By being able to borrow money there skippy! Hi stupid http://news.yahoo.com/gop-adds-constitutional-amendment-budget-fight-190757159.html Try paying attention, it might help, but then again with you, what's the point?
  3. You are not paying attention either, are you? The GOP is pusing a Balanced Budget amendment. That would be a massive amount of government spending cut and that would ratchet up unemployment dramatically. You are ignorantly bashing Obama yet your party is Dr. Destroyo to this economy. And for your information, we are already seeing massive government layoffs and the GOP only wants much more of the same. I have no idea why I'm wasting time telling you because you are so incredibly stupid you cannot process this simple information because of your idiological blinders
  4. That's it! We have reached the very bottom of the rabbit hole! You guys cannot argue the point that a Republican slash and slash policy will be anything but a disaster. Therefore we get the usual Tom nonsense. The GOP plan would only make things worse, period!
  5. thats "investigating" http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nationworld/2015609464_apusphonehackingsept11victims.html Maybe Glenn Beck got out while the getting was good
  6. You are getting more acrimonous the more facts I put on you. So basically this guy will just be Bush all over again. You liked Bush's economic policies, correct? Or you just want more government job cuts? You don't think a Republican President wouldn't have slashed spending Paul Ryan style?? I mean come on, the crazy GOP will vomit up whatever candidate it is and demand massive job cutting measures. Have you been paying attention? I mean hello! Balanaced budget amendment the GOP is demanding now is a massive jobs crushing idea. Cutting a trillion in spending is one hell of a lot of jobs. The GOP are there to cut spending and taxes and that's it. Jobs are a talking point and a talking point only for them Please, leave the name calling aside, I have not called you a lemming
  7. Yes! It will be just like Bush's presidency! Those tax cuts created a great economy, didn't they! And a new business friendly president will fire millions of government workers. All those unemployed government workers will simply jump right in to the magical free market recovery that firing them will create! You are one smart feller! And grandma can start paying for her own medication, lazy dead beat grandma!
  8. I dunno....If Paladino can win in New York than Bachmann can win anywhere. The GOP is crazyland
  9. And if Romney came in with a Republican Congress and started slashing government jobs left and right, thus cutting consumer demand even more we would add at least 5% more to the unemployment rate. You do realize that, right? That would be a disaster!
  10. Forget Wisconsin for now and look at Romney's collaspe in Iowa! http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/latest_polls/elections/'>http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/latest_polls/elections/ Bachmann on a roll!!! Oh ya, and it's all Obama's fault!
  11. Yes, and not very good ones, IMO. Any serious discussion on the economy focuses on the housing market, consumer spending and the fact that it has been governments cutting jobs, not businesses, that is really holding back a more serious recovery and none of those things you mentioned seriously address those issues. The private secor has created 1.7 million new jobs just this past year, but that was heavily off set by the huge number of GOVERNMENT workers losing their jobs to tea party calls for less government. And there is no way to connect cap and trade to the housing market, is there? And on top of all that historically we are looking at a long recovery, as most financial crisis take years to recover from. You are acting as if Obama could just do what Conservative Politicains want then things would be great! Read the discussion in yesterday's wall street journal about that. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702304584404576440203602314190.html?mod=WSJ_hp_mostpop_read Was there an institution holding you back?
  12. I think that the leadership of the GOP just bailed out on the tea party
  13. This is not a surrender of constitutional authority like declaring war. The debt limit was simply a law passed by congress
  14. Bachmann is also Obama's fault?? My God! So Obama makes Republicans pick idiotic candidates? Republicans are not even responsible for their own stupidity in your strange world. Wow, just wow!
  15. Oh I get that, but it works the same with deficit spending. If you don't borrow x amount of dollars to pay for Mrs. Fanny's MRI then that is that much less money in the economy to pick up consumer spending and hurts job. That's economics math there sloppy Another good point, if the wealthy are not investing for what ever. Reason, that's not helping the economy
  16. Can you just tell me what you think the single biggest thing the Obama administration is doing that is killing job growth?
  17. The wealthy pay more already because they have the money. Tell me this, how much is the unemployment rate hurting the wealthy? Somewhere near zero. So the non-wealthy are suppose to deal with losing all their income but the wealthy shouldn't pony up another penny on the dollar. Every things Obama's fault
  18. So because I pay income tax I shouldn't have to pay sales taxes? Or capital gains taxes? Your argument makes no sense
  19. 1) They have most of the government printed money and should pay the most since they have the most. 2)Of course not, because everything is Obama's fault. Everything! No confusion here. Giving back to the nation that allowed them to prosper in the first place is also what they are suppose to do.
  20. Increasing revenue to the government will not help lower the deficit at all. Is that your reasonable point? Are you paid to sit and write this trashy stuff? So the rich pay all the taxes but won't pay more with a tax increase because they know how to avoid taxes even though they pay all the taxes??? Fleecing the rich, bashing the rich, demonizing the wealthy, shackling business, and on and on. The system will go bankrupt if there isn't enough tax revenue flowing into it to support it. Same as anything else, duh!
  21. The idea that's its Obama's policies holding back job creation is hysterical. Corporate profits are booming, the fruits of which are staying at the top and not "trickling down" to the consumers. I don't care what the tax rate is, if the economy recovers the budget will of course get better. Why isn't it recovering? We live in a global economy--that point was lost on GG for years--and and no matter what our government does or doesn't do many factors will be out of our governments control. Look what the latest Europo mess with now Italy, stronger US dollar and that hurts many of our companies. China has had to slow growth in the face of inflation--oh no! Hyper inflation!--and that has hurt us, also. And how many jobs simply are not coming back because they are no longer needed? These companies--God bless them, I don't hate corporations at all--are going to of course use CNBC and Fox to bash the government as an excuse for not creating jobs, they don't want to create them, they don't need them! Corporations are doing just fine without these jobs, why should they create jobs they don't need? But people need jobs. So who is to blame? Perhaps no one, but someone has to be blamed. But capitalism is constantly changing and who knows, a new new niche in the market might just open up job oportunities. If not, I really hope we are not heading into permenent situation of over 9% unemployment. That would be a very bad thing and the government would probably have to start making jobs. http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-503544_162-20078789-503544.html Ut oh! Obama saying Soc Sec checks might be on the block!
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