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Everything posted by Dave_In_Norfolk

  1. Well, we are ALL trying to get over Bush's disasterous Presidency, even if the Tea Party thinks it was Obama that created every problem ever conjured up by guilty man
  2. Oh brother! Are you that in need of attention that you have to harp on week old typos??
  3. This guy is an "expert" at something? Wow!
  4. Who in the hell would challange him? Who in the hell would get over 2% in the primary. Saunders is blowing smoke. Anyway, getting a right wing snow job through the Senate would be impossible anyway. Hell, Republicans know they can't win either by throwing grandma from the health care train. Sooner or later the public will see that the GOP is trying to save rich people money by taking away health care and other vital funding from the country. That's not a winning issue
  5. Ha! But Bush would still easily beat out a Ron Paul presidency which would be even more disoriented, destructive and silly. And Bush would probably be a better President than any of the GOP candidates running now, possibly save one
  6. Obama has been a much better President than Bush 43, just to take one example. I still think he will probably win in 2012
  7. So basically, middle class America is being asked by the Tea Party to give up massive amounts of health care, retirement benefits, education funding and everything else government does but the wealthy who have had it beyond great the last few decades will not have to contribute to their country more? Screw that! There is no way that will make it through the Senate let alone get a Presidential signiture. Good! It shouldn't. I don't think anything will get done. If Obama says "Its a good deal!" The Tea Party will instantly turn against it no matter what it is. So its almost pointless.
  8. Ya, and this will make housing prices rise! Btw, looks like the tea party is f'n the economy up now over this refusal to raise the debt
  9. Quick! Repeal the Pacific Railroad Act, government must never do anything!!!!
  10. Ha ha, I'm crazy cause I believe this too.... http://www.buffalonews.com/wire-feeds/24-hour-national-news/article491034.ece So obviously true. Hey, where's his birth certificate? A meaningless protest vote makes no one a moron. Perhaps the moron is the one saying these two situations are the same?
  11. Ya, cause it actually didn't matter then. The Tea Partiers like Paul Ryan and Ron Paul morons actually think it's just fine to default "for a few days"
  12. Actually, the tax cuts are a small part of the deal Obama is offering. It's mostly cuts in spending, but the Birther Congress will not go for it. Wonder why?
  13. Ya, the mostly Southern party threatening to destroy the nation because they hate the President. Even "Very Serious" people like the genius Paul Ryan are threatening to blow everything up. Where was this concern over deficits with Bush?
  14. Oh? He makes the same argument that idiot Barbara Bachmann is. Real smart! http://www.foxnews.com/on-air/your-world-cavuto/2011/07/14/toomey-we-will-not-default-our-debt What a second, is he the guy who is leading the charge for a balanced budget amendment? That's not just idiot and stupid, its almost treasonable. How the hell you gonna balance the budget with out ruining the economy? The government could never run a deficit? WTF! Wow, your heroes are blind ideologues. Doctrinair communists share many of the same characterists of blind devotion to a cause
  15. Idiots?? Idiots??? I thought you said Paul Ryan was genious?? http://marketplace.publicradio.org/display/web/2011/06/08/am-some-republicans-ok-with-shortlived-debt-default/?refid=0 So much for that!
  16. Really? I find this interesting. I know many Republicans that don't even care if anyone knows if they are racist. You are simply ignoring reality. Half my hockey team are hard core Republicans and racists. Do I really have to provide examples? You don't think this Sharia law crap, mosque stuff and the Southern Statregy are all about racism?
  17. Truth hurts, huh? The Republican party has a hard core racist streak in it and to ignore that is to ignore reality. Are you into ignoring reality?
  18. You are 100% right Tom. How would I buy all that medication for my mother's heart problem? And pay for all her doctor's visits? Yup, you got me there
  19. It's almost like it's 1861. The National White People's party will never compromise with an illegitamte, un-American "President." They don't care about anything else aside from the fact Obama is head of the party that is not "pure."
  20. That's called the Paul Ryan budget and the voters found out about it and the Republicans ran for their rabbit holes. Fox news even began promoting that dork for president
  21. It was totally biased, that's the point, they are ready to bomb Romney and it looks like a big bomb I was watching Hannity, too. Juan Williams just about had a stroke trying to catch every Hannity lie, super funny!
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