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Everything posted by Dave_In_Norfolk

  1. Cut, cap and balance will create jobs? Lies, lies, and damn lies
  2. It's a speech you idiot, just mute the talking heads before and after.
  3. Larry Kudlow started laughing at Eric Cantor's nonsense tonight. I think these clowns know they have nothing to lose now that they voted on that huge cut to Medicare so they have to try to get Democrats to take the same plunge
  4. But those tax cuts paid for themselves! And they created a jobs paradise! Interesting that Bush's drug benefits program cost more than Obamacare. Funny, don't remember any protests over that
  5. There is a recession going on you know? So saying anything, or drawing any conclusions about kids entering the workforce 20 years from now are unicorn farting dreams, indeed! You would think that after 30 thousand posts you might actually get something right, but no
  6. I don't have to prove anything to something as stupid as you. I mean, get real you little creep, you complete tard. You are probably the stupidest poster on this board, and that is something!
  7. How does that not make it a Republic? And, Obama is more Conservative than Bush
  8. Oh, I'm stupid for not posting something you can look up yourself? Whatever moron And then you will have time to make even more posts! 30,000, he we come!!! Boy, the Democrats are sure doing the right think here. Cutting spending, negotiating to ensure the economy stays on track and doing everything in their power to see that we come through this ok. Now the GOP wanting to drag this thing into a presidential election year is pure political game playing. Sad.
  9. What, Dell has the day off for butt licking and you are his sub?
  10. No, they are only Conservatives in the context of a Socialist paradigm. Bush and Obama both expanded the welfare state, like the good little socialists they are.
  11. It's an indirect democracy, but still a democracy. Democratic republic, yes
  12. The Social Democrats are all about voting, popular government and democracy
  13. http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2011/07/the-democrats-cave/242467/ Looks like Democrats are surrendering on this one. Will the GOP be able to get this through the House?
  14. Asian markets are down, as is to be expected. The Senate is putting forth a plan that will "save money" by ending the wars in Iraq and Afganistan, something that has already been budgeted for. Imagine if that's the final plan? All this for nothing. The GOP House says it will put out a proposal tomorrow outlinning their cuts too...? That will be great to see. Hopefully they go after seniors. Republicans do not think they can pass a bill through the House that raises the debt unless it has HUGE cuts and no new revenue at all. House proposal out tomorrow they vote on perhaps wednesday, the Senate says it will vote Friday and we will have to see how Wall Street reacts tomorrow at the opening bell. Link to counter that assertion?
  15. Yes, because your Republicans are making such a serious proposal with the balanced budget amendment. Saint Tom, perhaps you can't see through all the clouds up in heaven the true nature of what is going on. I see that one of your House members from California suggested compromise and Rush Limbo found out about it and made him appologize for not being fanatical enough in The Cause, and he of course appologized. Tom, as super great as you are--and people, I do believe that--you have to see one side is seriously trying to compromise and the other is not. Forgive me for bothering your highness. A thousand appologies
  16. Tom is wonderful! Ok, are all you you butt lickers happy??? Or are all of you the same person or something? That's a pretty wierd thought, that Tom, GG, AD/Simon, ieatshit and the rest are all one or something close to it. It would explain a great deal...still I don't think so, but....
  17. Ummm...ya, nice Republican spin there Mr. Pot. It's not the Democrats holding the economy hostage and they are doing the right thing pointing that out. That's just part of a good healthy debate you knucklehead And what Tax Cuts are you talking about?
  18. If our military can't delivery some god damn food what's the point of having it? Get er done!
  19. Democrats have begun launching attacks all along the front http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/07/democrats-leverage-debt-ceiling-crisis-on-the-campaign-trail.php?ref=fpb
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