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Everything posted by Dave_In_Norfolk

  1. Yes, let's go back to Rob Johnson! Face it guys, you Conservo losers were totally wrong. Since the big money conservatives, Big Business media and lobbyiests control the debate there is no way we are going to see the stimulous necessary to get us out of this. It's 1937 all over again. It took World War Two to get the government to spend enough to stimulate the economy out of the depression, but we won't see anything like that today. Hyper-Inflation? wow!
  2. http://www.frumforum.com/could-it-be-that-our-enemies-were-right As we head back into recession we have to ask, was the stimulous big enough? Did the government do enough? No, obviously not
  3. As we head down the road towards a double dip recession, it looks like the Tea Party won. The economy has been jittery and aimless since the 2010 election. That seems to have de-railed to recovery
  4. http://www.buffalonews.com/city/politics/article510640.ece Free and open to the public. . Yo?? Say what?? Gees, I guess anything is possible now.....
  5. What? California or Mississippi? Ya, who would choose Mississippi? Get real
  6. I can't really take much satisfaction from cutting military. No, I don't want any more wars, but every kid that gets to serve improves him/her, for the most part.So many kids--myself included--got a real chance to grow, live and see the world in the military. I consider it one of our very best social programs we have. Defense contractors and bases provide jobs, military research has led to many innovations and the world has to have cops, rescue services and an international force capable of doing things nothing else can do. Cutting our military will not be a great thing even if that's what's has to happen
  7. You will like this even more http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0811/60421.html
  8. Asked if the votes will be there at the end of the night, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) played coy. "You'll have to ask the Speaker," she said. "He has the majority."
  9. Judging by Wall Street today they are taking a cautious approach to this. Nothing has passed yet and the Right Wing hate machine hasn't kicked in yet to pressure these Representatives to do their duty to crash this economy. So we are still in wait and see approach
  10. Color me skeptical as well. I'll believe it when I see it actually pass the House. I hope my stocks make some serious gains today, as they appear ready to do. I sold my NetSuit (N) Stock Friday in a close of the Market day thing and it rose almost 10% before it sold. It's profits rise when there is a weak dollar because of its large overseas workforce, so I bet it falls back today, but I (Cha-Ching!) banked that profit! Bought some Apple in its place. Can't go wrong there. Politically, it was interestng to see the military budget appear to take a hit. I hope my Democrats don't have to vote for Entitlement cuts so those can be blamed all on the GOP and we can get both Houses of Congress back for Obama in 2012 going forward. Color me skeptical as well. I'll believe it when I see it actually pass the House. I hope my stocks make some serious gains today, as they appear ready to do. I sold my NetSuit (N) Stock Friday in a close of the Market day thing and it rose almost 10% before it sold. It's profits rise when there is a weak dollar because of its large overseas workforce, so I bet it falls back today, but I (Cha-Ching!) banked that profit! Bought some Apple in its place. Can't go wrong there. Politically, it was interestng to see the military budget appear to take a hit. I hope my Democrats don't have to vote for Entitlement cuts so those can be blamed all on the GOP and we can get both Houses of Congress back for Obama in 2012 going forward.
  11. They are going to vote finally http://thehill.com/homenews/house/174339-gop-adds-balanced-budget-amendment-to-win-passage-of-debt-plan- But not too busy to post your nonesense. No Tom, you are the idiot
  12. Sorry, it was suppose to just be Google finance No, it was the rise of the right wing media that made many, many people feel they were some how being hurt in some way by government spending, and cutting spending will make their lives somehow better, sort of like sending Pat Robertson $50. The right wing pols simply moved white evangelicalism to politics, that's all
  13. And the red is running on Wall Street Combined with the horrible growth since January, this debt crap is killing stocks http://www.google.com/finance?ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tab=we Pro business? Wow
  14. No vote tonight. I see Sarah Palin has threatened tea par tiers with primaries if they do not fall into line. I wonder if Boehner has picked up the phone to Pelosi to try and make a bipartisan deal. Is that really such a crazy idea? These days it just might be. Asking American citizens to work together for the obvious common good is now a crazy idea
  15. House puts off vote http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-pn-house-vote-20110728,0,760019.story Should I sell off all my stocks and wait till after these people get their sheet straight??
  16. Default or no default, and the stock market seems to be 'thinking" no default today--thank God!--this problem will only keep growing: http://news.yahoo.com/govt-health-tab-hit-4-6-trillion-2020-070830567.html The baby boomers are getting sicker every second
  17. It's got a heartbeat! http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/07/house-conservatives-close-ranks-around-boehner-debt-limit-bill.php?ref=fpa My stocks are almost all down pretty hard, except for Amazon which is roaring ahead for some reason. This bs has to end
  18. Hey, now Senate Republicans are threatening to Filibuster Reid's plan! Osama Bin Laden couldn't have dreamed of a better situation to cripple the country. Boenher's plan is dead in the very House he "leads." GOP blocking anything in the Democratic Senate, Rush Limbo and the rest of the Conservative movement is demanding nothing get done unless its with some crazy plan that the majority does not want at all. Bat-sheet crazy these people are. Side note: Cramer of Mad Money yesterday made the same comparison I had to 1861 and political acrimony. Lincoln was called the Black Republican, of course because he was anti-slavery. That's the reason the South tried to destroy the Union, of course. Now we have a black President and the Conservatives want to cripple evil government. Republican Larry Kudlow was literally begging his fellow Republicans to get this done. But these people are just so full of hate they will never budge. And even if they did, it really wouldn't matter, they will just paralyze the system some other way rather than allow a black President to to succeed. Dark days ahead for our country
  19. You support this idiocy? Money bad! The only good thing about a BBA would be that creeps like Reagan and Bush would be banned from passing budget busting tax cuts.
  20. Feel better? And where is the "leadership" of your hero Paul Ryan at this time? Hiding from the tea party? Or is he leading the charge towards default?
  21. Balanced Budget amendment would lead to higher taxes. No way they would just cut spending that much. It's a very evil idea, but if it comes, it makes no one happy, that's a guarantee. With baby boomers retiring there will be a need for more health care spending
  22. Well, come on now, really? I mean it's still a Craftsman screwdriver. If I needed one and he was offering at a resonable price, sure, I'd buy it
  23. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/2chambers/post/jim-jordan-boehner-plan-wont-pass-house-on-republican-support-alone/2011/07/26/gIQAZqY1aI_blog.html Well....
  24. As he should be! Obama expanded deficits during a recession, like good economic practices call for, Bush just blew up a pretty decent budget situation. And Obama should really be spreading the blame much wider: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-07-26/republican-leaders-voted-for-drivers-of-u-s-debt-they-now-blame-on-obama.html Where was the outrage before Obama became President?
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