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Everything posted by Dave_In_Norfolk

  1. Some fan you are, hoping for a bad season. Why don't you buy a Raven jersey and cheer Lee Evens running the one pattern he knows
  2. No, they actively sought to move him. He was shopped around to find anyone who would take him. Heck, they even trashed him in the media for not catching balls in traffic, which is true
  3. Yes! Chan thinks he is a softy! No need for a guy like that on this team. Good riddance!
  4. When the coach calls you out in the media for being weak and not going into the tough part of the field, you are basically gone.
  5. Oh no, Gailey openly stated that Evens, a 30 year old vet, needed to learn to go over the middle. That's like saying he needed to change his tampon more often. This is football and the Bills have no room for cream puffs like Evans
  6. They had no chemistry and the coach even busted on Even's lack of ability to go over the middle. He was basically run out of town for being soft
  7. I can see from the number of posts that you have that you are very smart
  8. Does opening up cap space help also? I heard that there might be some high priced players cut late because of new collective bargain agreement. Anyone know if that's part of the thinking here?
  9. I wonder how many passes he will catch between the hash marks for the Raven?
  10. Bok, Obama's cap-n-trade regulations are killing jobs, bok! Get a grip boy!
  11. No, seriously, unlike Obama, these guys are sissies and wimps. I cannot see any of those fems standing up to BP like our President did. At least I admit it, your fake independence is pathetic and only makes you look stupid.
  12. None of them looked at all Presidential. Obama has a big lead on them in appearence. Pawlenty, Huntsman and Romney look so wimpy. Do we really want sissies like that running the country? Bachmann could probably beat them up
  13. Awesome!!! http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/08/11/rick-perrys-unanswered-prayers/?nl=todaysheadlines&emc=thab1
  14. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/SEC-investigating-SPs-rb-3543917251.html?x=0&sec=topStories&pos=2&asset=&ccode= Oh, he's gonna make someone pay!
  15. The bad joke known as the Confederate States of America really loved decentralized government. Got those racists really far!
  16. Rich boy who admitted he really didn't even really know the Depression was going on when he was growing up. Good President, though. Lincoln is worth idolizing Ya, like you love Steve Forbes
  17. Debateable. Not in regards to Civil Rights. Economic downturns were much worse. Criminals had an easier time getting away with crime and the elderly have it much, much better post FDR.
  18. http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_ROMNEY_2012?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2011-08-11-12-34-40 Mitt gets shouted down. "There was a time when we didn't go after people for their success," Romney said. Or their daddies success?
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