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Everything posted by Dave_In_Norfolk

  1. Will's conclusion is silly and myopic: Sure, if "ifs" and "buts"...but, Will is simply playing a game of what if while leaving out the incredible complexity of the situation there. 1961 was not 1989. It is true that Kennedy and many other Americans were relieved the wall went up and a crisis that might have led to (nuclear) war was averted. That's a bad thing?
  2. He has better tax accountants? Where do you get this nonesense? This is such a stupid argument! Actually,raising taxes really does raise revenue! Imagine that! Your argument that raising taxes will only lead to less taxes being paid is as stupid as the one I'm sure you made about Bush's tax cut cuts actually increasing revenue. Oh wait, the Bush tax cuts on the wealthy actually didn't matter....the rich were simply defering their income untill...I think I'm going to fall down using GG "logic."
  3. Economics not your strong point I see It's like you are a zombie or something. A useful idiot. You are proof that propaganda works really well.
  4. But he did it with trick plays, so they really wouldn't count against a good team
  5. Why are they "trick plays"? I consider them more of speciality plays, like calling in a left handed pitcher for one batter or using a power play unit in hockey. Anything that increases the probablitity of picking up a third and short, keeping the drive alive, keeping the defense off the field. No trick about it, its just a different way of going about it. We need to get use to this
  6. Wow, a whole 1/3 of an acre!! I take it you are not big on doing any sort of exercise, huh?
  7. Wow, you are so confident! But you are also an idiot.
  8. Is making the playoffs really such a leap? I think they can improve a little, make the playoffs and still have a real long way to go towards being a contender, so what?
  9. Hard to overstat the importance of that. That wins close games, rests the defense, scores more points and makes more wins! Great pick up and it looks like they have a wildcat back up, too! Are we going to become a wishbone offense at times?
  10. You mean the front office that brought in Merriman???
  11. Fifty years? You know fifty years in the future? And Senator Obama is a disaster for having to clean up Governor Bush's wrecking of the Federal government?
  12. Brad Smith might be a huge player on this team, especially converting short yardage
  13. I like the white helmets, reminds me of the 1980 season
  14. If Lee Evans was still here it would be 7-0 Buffalo by now. This team has quit because we lost him!
  15. Bachmann wins! And Mr. Anti-abortion, the social conservative Ron Paul gets second. Long live the moon bats!!
  16. But it was a Tea Party down grade. How can you deny that? Brain power of Toomey? He is a far right, dogmatic, idiolouge period. And he is one the reasons we were downgraded. Sounds like a real genius! Ya, you are so non-partisan! I mean, wow...pass the glue
  17. Fart on the locker room, they are professionals and need to play or beat it! The masses can go take a hike, too. They cried when Fred sermlas left, too. So what!!
  18. Its about getting rid of an expensive mistake. Keeping a guy like that around, performing below even average, yet pulling down millions is not good for the team.
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