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Everything posted by Dave_In_Norfolk

  1. Of course it wouldn't! Republicans never do anything like bring up death panals or anything. Republicans are great! Gees Tom, if only all of us could be so non-partisan Poor boy, poor, poor little boy.
  2. I think its just wrong for several reasons. "Always" is a long time and the economy is "always" changinging. Something like 50% of all jobs in this country, in this economy are government jobs or dependent on government spending. Cutting all/many of those jobs and simply expecting the free market economy to make new ones is reckless and myopic. Actually its ignorant. When all the factory jobs went away it was the government that made up the difference in employment along with an expansion of low wage jobs in the free market. To simply expect new, high wage jobs to come along in industries x, y, and z isn't very intelligent. Automation is and will continue to take jobs away. I'm seeing the poor tech guys get cut because organizations are moving to cloud computing and we just don't need all the equipment we use to. And look at all the jobs that were eliminated by the internet. It touched every field. Competition with low wage labor in other countries doesn't help either.
  3. Well, where to start on this one? 1) I wish to thank you so much for the wonderful way you included me in this right wing circle jerk. One wonders if Marco boy got lucky with the old bag later that evening? 2) I must say I find it a bit odd that you attempt to style yourself as some sort of non-partisan actor when here you are jumping up and down like a feral dog in defense of a far right winger who has not even been attacked by me. That doesn't seem very non-partisan to me. 3) It's all so puzzling, really. You think Toomy is great, Ryan is fine and Rubio above criticism. All far right wing nuts, yet you are not partisan? Why can't you just come out of the closet and admit you love these guys because you support their party positions? What is so bad about that? And Tom, are you here Tom? Of course you are, why the shot at Pelosi? THAT seems RATHER partisan to me. Shame on you. Jealous of the sucess of barristers?
  4. Hey, this is easy to fix, we'll just get our capitalist "jobs machine" engine to produce more jobs! Oh wait....
  5. Exactly. There will be deaths and more concussions and paralyzed players. These guys are crushing each other, how can anyone think these things are not going to become normal. How many players were knocked out last night?
  6. http://news.yahoo.com/gop-may-ok-tax-increase-obama-hopes-block-124016578.html How more transparent can they be? Who's side are you on?
  7. You know, you guys make more sense all the time. I don't believe in the environment, either! I believe in God, which is proven to exist, not science which is an invention of the Liberal Media/Elite establishment. I don't believe in the weather, either, for that matter
  8. http://tpmlivewire.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/08/jon-stewart-highlights-conservative-hypocrisy-on-class-warfare-video.php?ref=fpb The people at the very end, I know so many people that talk like that everyday. Oh, Ha! +1
  9. At least Bachmann isn't charging people to come see her. This sissy Ryan is really running scared! http://dyn.politico.com/printstory.cfm?uuid=F0E997EA-EC57-4E4B-B174-D857948A0787
  10. Oh, oh, I don't like Dennis Kucinich, does that make me non-partisan too??? Al Sharpon me no likey either! And Ron Paul pandering to the anti-abortion zealots? No, he's really different!
  11. Mr. Fabulous is the man to beat! http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Elections/2011/0816/Why-some-tea-partyers-are-skeptical-of-Rick-Perry Is it time for our "non-partisan" people to start defending him yet?
  12. You are just a loser http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/perrys-criticism-of-money-printing-may-portend-more-political-pressure-for-fed/2011/08/16/gIQAhv7HJJ_story.html?hpid=z1 Try this
  13. This argument is wrong, also. You are the one playing the numbers game. His secretary is also a member of the corporation and so, using your logic, her company pays 35% on its profits and then she pays it on her wages also=70%. 70>50 As to your queer little remark at the end, nice spin on on his argument, he is arguing that those who have the most should contribute the most. All of them, not just him. Oh GG darling, did you answer my question about tax cuts and revenue increases? Or are you ignoring me because I so enjoy rubbing your nose in the poo you drop out in regard to arguments? I do think its funny that after I gave you a good nose rubbing in it that you used the exact same argument about tax cuts increasing revenue, just that you did it for Clinton instead of Bush.
  14. Meet Rick Perry! The same day that he declared it an "injustice" that the poor and middle class don't pay enough in taxes, he took the crazy a step further said that Treasury would be...oh, just read it yourself http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/perrys-criticism-of-money-printing-may-portend-more-political-pressure-for-fed/2011/08/16/gIQAhv7HJJ_story.html?hpid=z1 So anything that helps the economy before the election is really, really bad. GOP wants the country to suffer
  15. Now that's funny! Paul Ryan for President?? The clown isn't even going to consider the open senate seat in his own state. Why? Because he would lose, that's why. The man is a cancer. He needs to hide in his own safe little House district and hope they can't even get him there.
  16. I'll give you credit, at least you are not afraid of pointing out how far backwards you would like to drag us. Yes, let's dump the old sick people on families. Nothing like having a old parent sitting around the house dying as you are trying to work, raise a family and bang your wife instead of in a care facility where they can have professional care.
  17. You and that Rob's House idiot are vomiting up political points, not economic reality. S o person making $20,000 a year will kick in 12% of it for federal taxes? Really? That's your solution? How wouldn't have tax receipts have been even higher under Clinton if the rates were kept higher? You would have to argue that the dot.com boom wouldn't have been as attractive to investors with a slightly higher tax rate? That's stupid! And can you show me some proof that increasing the capital gains tax will kill investing in equities?
  18. You win a Holy Hand Grenade if you do a decent job of rating last years Bill's draft, the first under Nix and Gailey
  19. Are the terrorits fellows paying taxes on this money?
  20. The unemployed are not paying enough in FEDERAL taxes so Buffett is wrong.... Hair has been split
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