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Everything posted by Dave_In_Norfolk

  1. Oh come on! What about the "he tried killing my daddy" thing? $ 800 million? Oh please! I would have to respectfully disagree here. Veterans benefits alone to Iraq Vets are going to costs in the billions....for many decades to come! Equipment replacement is another huge cost. And the higher gas prices that resulted from the invasion pulled billions and billions out of the economy. I'd have to say the $3trillion is much closer the mark than 800 million? 800 million, that's outrageously low. It costs more each month for that war
  2. Good luck with Apple. Wouldn't be surprised at all if you won the whole thing with it, but its been down recently after Steve Jobs quit. I own it myself and felt it might not be in a good situation short term, but who knows.
  3. I like the Ford but for long term, not sure what it will do in just a month. The company looks real good going forward as, like CAT, its opening factories all over the world. Intel is a terrible stock, imo. Great company, but the stock price never moves it seems. BP has been stuck for awhile. I owned it for awhile but sold it in the 40's a few months back. Good luck!
  4. Here's my picks: 1) Google 4 shares @ $540.96 = $2,163. 84 2) CAT 22 shares @ 91.00 = $1,900 3) WFM 29 Shares @ $66 = $ 1,915.16 4) JO 27 Shares @ $73.38 = 1981. 26 5) CRM 15 Shares @ $128.75 = $1931.25 And I have like $6 left Why these stocks? Googles just always seems to go up. Cat is recovering from a pull back from $112 and I think its all grow. New factories in China, its just solid. Whole Foods is a great stock! It's going to grow its just good. They are opening new stores in many wealthy suburbs around the world. JO, it has two things I don't like, its an ETF and a Commodity, but its also coffee! The last one is a cloud computing company in with the Obama administration. God speed to my picks! And if that rotten no good Tom is shorting these picks than even better!!!
  5. For all your ignorant blather you offer nothing to attack my general point. I don't think you can. Listen Rob, I know I am a lot smarter than you so save your rants unless you want to "show me" where I am wrong. You are a little whinner, nothing more. Ocinn gets a big "fail" with his stupid inflation argument, but you can give it a try, can't you? Or are you too dumb? As to my "ideology" getting in the way, no, its just a fact, government spending increases consumer demand. Perhaps someone can pray that that's not true, but nothing fails like prayer, right?
  6. Exactly I'm dizzy with excitement! I'm just going to pick five stocks at the beginning of the month at $2k a peace and hold them the entire month. Commodites are not looking good right now, but that could change in a second. I think I know what I'm going to pick but nothing is finalized yet.
  7. Der untermensch vill be hunted down and no von vill get in our vay!
  8. Oh brother! I started to write a reply but I'm not going down this rabbit hole with this idiot. No thanks! What's your opinion of deflation Ocino? I can do those things without a tampon. If you want to bring up menstral issues you should start a seperate thread.
  9. Did you know that welfare and unemployment insurance increase demand for consumer goods?
  10. http://newsflavor.com/politics/us-politics/the-ulsterman-report-president-obama-places-ngger-painting-in-white-house/
  11. Gee thanks guys. I didn't pray, I just grabbed a big pot from the kitchen and a wooden spoon and went outside banging on the pot and screamed at the storm and it seemed to work! Ron Paul, lol. Did you see his interview about FEMA? "All the money goes to contractors, anyway, ya, ya. All wasted, ya ya." "There isn't any money. FEMA can't work until we cut 2 dollars for every dollar that will go to the disaster, ya ya." Then he went after, Tom, you listening?--he went after all that money we were wasting in Libya. But I thought Obama did nothing in Libya? He wanted to cut the Lybia funds if we spent any money helping fix damagage from the hurricare. What a jerk off Ron Paul is.
  12. This is great. Not sure if he meant this to come out this way--but maybe he did!--David Brooks basically labels the Republicans a loon party: Hammer, meet nail http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/26/opinion/brooks-president-rick-perry.html?nl=todaysheadlines&emc=tha212
  13. So he didn't do anything but he helped the Europeans? Tom is decending into GG levels of stupidity. Hey, how about anyone that attacks the tea party is a nincompoop? Eh Mr. Non-partisan? At least scooby isn't a fraud like you
  14. not if you are Phil Grahm and stand to make millions from the scheme. Perry looks, acts and now apparently tries to profit from being a televangelist-like politician. I was shocked Bush was elected president, being so stupid and all, so I won't be surprised this time if Perry is our next doofus in chief and you clowns will be screaming "still blaming Perry for ......" in ten years after his f ups come home to roost
  15. We did nothing? Gees....stop being so partisan. And while we did not go way overboard and invade, that just goes to show that restraint is as imporant as action. Nice job Mr. President! The surrender monkey, terrorist coddling members of Congress that wanted you to let that terrorist win should be embarrassed.
  16. Oh...what?? Ok, I've seen lots of crap be "reported" in my day so I can't buy this without skepticism, but if this is true...wow! http://www.nbcdfw.com/news/politics/128413113.html Crony capitalism gone mad!
  17. http://www.newyorker.com/talk/comment/2011/09/05/110905taco_talk_remnick another Obama foreign policy success. Reagan couldn't get Quadaffy, and Bush couldn't get Osama....Obama got them both!
  18. Actually, when Republican policies are so unpopular, YES! Like it or not, they stepped in it full force with the Ryan budget and now having Mr. Faboulous leading in the polls. Your anger is proof enough really that I am right. Touching a nerve with the truth is awesome! Love you line about "people thinking I'm an idiot." Who? You? Ha ha ha!! At 30k yet boy?
  19. Call me all the names you want, but can someone tell me how a political party will win elections by dogmatically sticking to views that are very unpopular with the people that vote? There is a reason SS, Medicare, the military and other government programs are untouchable, namely, the people like them. They have gone after the teachers, the police, the firefighters, heck, they even think we need to "expand the tax base" and make the poor and middle class pay more. You can only hope and do so much to try and keep the economy bad for so long. Did anyone catch Eric Cantor stating that Federal Disaster relief must be paid for with layoffs to government workers someplace else? Gees, where was that attitude when the Iraq war was going full $cale? Fine if you agree with all that, no problem at all. I'm glad this has finally happened. I've been seeing this for years and years on the internet, but now for the first time you have a guy running for President, leading in polls to capture his nomination, who is calling SS unconstitutional and a ponzi scheme. Ummm...ok, great! But don't expect him to win. Obama will kill Perry in the election. And all those Republicans that signed Paul Ryan's budget? Bye bye. My prediction for 2012 is a major Democratic sweep with all three branches of government going Democratic. 2+2=4
  20. Mr. Fabulous is simply too irrestible to resist. Not only a Global Warming denier, but he says its all a conspiracy of Godless scientist! Evolutionists, no doubt. He's in the lead by a healthy margin in two new polls: http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/08/perry-takes-the-lead-for-gop-nomination-in-two-national-polls.php?ref=fpb
  21. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! That's why they brought that old witch out of her cave. I guess this warrior against the Welfare State is being considered as Romney's running mate. How are these people going to win elections preaching against popular government programs, attempting to "broaden the tax base"--i.e. making those that own 2.5% of the wealth pay more--and waging war on government workers? Rubio's nonesense: "These programs actually weakened us as a people. You see, almost forever, it was institutions in society that assumed the role of taking care of one another. If someone was sick in your family, you took care of them. If a neighbor met misfortune, you took care of them. You saved for your retirement and your future because you had to. We took these things upon ourselves in our communities, our families, and our homes, and our churches and our synagogues. But all that changed when the government began to assume those responsibilities."
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