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Everything posted by Dave_In_Norfolk

  1. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204422404576594872796327348.html Interesting study
  2. Independents? Romney needs to win his own base. The Conservatives do not like him. If he can't even convince his own knuckledraggers that he is a true blue real mccoy, he has no chance. And I see pizza dude is ahead of him in many states now. A pizza dude who has never won an election. A pizza dude who is simply the latest "not-Mitt" candidate. Obama might just win real big against Romney if the Conservative base continues to hate him.
  3. Crap!!! Just crap, yes, if we got rid of money oil would be worthless, as in $0 a gallon, but so what? Yes, more money helps grease the wheels of commericalism! Acting is all inflation is bad is like say you are unhealthy because you have high blood pressure while exercising
  4. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/27/us/unrelenting-downturn-is-redrawing-americas-economic-map.html?_r=1&hp I also saw that Western New York's unemployment picture was considerably brighter lately. Alright! That's good news for normal people but the belly achers and constant anti-government malcontents will only grumble
  5. Yes indeed. I've made that comparison myself. It really is a do-nothing Congress. So we just want to narrow the debate down to just income taxes? Forget all the regressive taxation? Forget about how this economy is hitting the middle and increasing lower classes yet the wealthy are laughing it up? Paul Ryan is drinking his lobbiest bought $400 bottles of wine while kids in local communities have to do without football coaches, policemen and afterschool chess club programs We know what's going on, the rich really are getting richer and the poor really are getting poorer and more numerous. While you want to ignore that and others are absolutely celebrating it and hoping it gets much worse on the street, others will fight it.
  6. The right that comes with might. Don't want to pay your fair share as determined by our semi-democratic institutions, we will toss you in jail. Any other questions?
  7. Medicare does serve the people, but it costs money man! Let 'em die?
  8. Ow ow ow!!!! I just fell on the floor! I think I broke my hip!
  9. I saw a lot of you right wing a lings trying to laugh away the shrinking MC idea, like Global Warming, but this is true, too. The Wall Street Journal article on this is great, but this video is ok. http://finance.yahoo.com/blogs/daily-ticker/america-middle-class-shrinks-p-g-adopts-hourglass-145429009.html WSJ article: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424053111904836104576558861943984924.html?mod=WSJ_qtnews_wsjlatest
  10. 'Bout time! Taxes have to go up pure and simple. The demands of government are only going to grow and grow as the baby boomers continue to retire and those that have benefitted the most from the globalization of our economy should have to pay the price, not the eroding middle class that simply for economic reasons shouldn't be asked to lower their buying power even more. The rich are doing fine with this economic down turn, the middle class and lower classes have suffered, bout time for the wealthy to pay their fair share.
  11. http://2012.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/09/tea-party-debate-audience-cheers-idea-of-letting-sick-man-without-insurance-die-video.php Horrible people
  12. Can't tax the disappearing middle class! Amazing how fast the middle class is shrinking in this country
  13. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/13/opinion/protect-our-right-to-anonymity.html?nl=todaysheadlines&emc=tha212 Really interesting situation....and Tom's and idiot
  14. Crap/dump...you missed your hero Ron Paul? Or have you disowned him too? Kind of interesting the fight between Romney and Perry, one is aiming for the moderates and Perry, the former Al Gore guy is trying for the tea party trash. Will be interesting to see who wins. Perry looked out of place and uncomfortable with all those clowns (Paul, Bachmann, Santorium) up there competing for time, but he better shape up if he wants to be President
  15. Paul Krugman's latest: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/05/opinion/the-fatal-distraction.html?src=ISMR_AP_LO_MST_FB Spot on Yet another right wing falacy is learned to be false the hard way. Poor GG, I'm sure he's losing faith in all the garbage he has spewed these years...not.
  16. http://www.chron.com/business/energy/article/Halliburton-BP-Hid-info-that-might-have-2153702.php By Haliburton!!!
  17. Ya, I think most of us are underwater now. The winner might have $5,000 as this rate! But hopefully things will improve
  18. Where is Alaska Darin on this? Don't they have cavemen as a political designation?
  19. Yup, way too many youth hockey coaches, football coaches, police officers, teachers, firemen, accountants making sure all the money is where its suppose to be....oh...they will be missed I bet...road construction people, snow plow drivers, etc. What a better world it is! And fewer consumers, too!
  20. Isn't this exactly what they want? I mean can't they pause to cheer for a moment the jobs destroyed? http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-partisan/post/more-reasons-for-obama-to-go-big-on-jobs/2011/09/02/gIQAPiebwJ_blog.html?hpid=z3
  21. Sloganeering? Oh sorry, I thought this was a message board....
  22. Greece and Spain??? Wow, you really are ignorant. Comparing those Euro-states to our country? Go have another drink you jackwagon
  23. Our elderly problem is the government's fault
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