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Everything posted by Dave_In_Norfolk

  1. Ya, the consumers, small businesses really did great because of the meltdown caused by mortgage backed securities! Ya hoo!!
  2. Who cares, this guy is just another Conservative loser going down the drain, I wonder if he will meet Joe the Plumber down there
  3. Oh.. She's a dumb B word, I see.... And you are not a trashy person? President Clinton? Why are you comparing him to this clown?
  4. Oh I see, so as long as the hush money was under a hundr grand it's ok for your conservatives to abuse women? Wow! Does your partisanship know any bounds?
  5. Oh, all the bad press about the banks sure helped pressure the poor bankers
  6. You are not scary at all, message board heroes are harmless
  7. Rush limbo, o,really, Hannity, et all, celebrities man. Our is our, Why are you doing this?
  8. Poor thing, lol And you don't know who the Conservative celebrities are? There's enough of them, gees
  9. When did sexually suggestive become worth over a hundred thousand dollars? Yes Tom, you complete moron, it's my fault
  10. So they are just like people that blame everything on government? Eh, whiny hypocrite?
  11. When I broke two ligaments in my knee I had it surgically repaired. I talked to an old timer who had the same problem way back in 1941. They had put him in the hospital for three days and then told him to go home. Guess whose was cheaper? extrapolate over the entire health care industry and you see a part of the "problem"
  12. Bam! Cain turns out to be a molester! And our sex pervert--the GOP front runner--is of course being praised to the hilt by all the Conservative celebrities that tell Conservatives what to think. Love it!!!!
  13. congratulations. You must be very thankful to the millions of people that worked so hard to set up a system so people--other people--can get ahead. So I take it you think people should just shut up because they are upset that other people with lots of money have all the influence over our government which makes laws for all of us?
  14. Vilify? How, by simply pointing out a few facts? Amazing how all of you immediately fall back on republican talking points It really is horrible! Isn't it!
  15. Why is credit carbon brokering "ridiculous"? It's worked already with other things. Is it because the people that pay for the propaganda you read don't like it?
  16. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/26/us/politics/top-earners-doubled-share-of-nations-income-cbo-says.html?src=ISMR_AP_LO_MST_FB
  17. Oh no!!! It might cost the money! The horror! Its all too terrible to contemplate!
  18. "counter" needs to be in parentheses? You have been reading too many far right wing web sites. And the report supports the findings of ""Global" ""Warming"" even though the guy was a skeptic, and the report was funded by the Koch brothers. And only someone like you would see stopping global warming as a hinderence to improving the environment, or "environment" if that makes you feel better.
  19. Romney's just a little wimpy punk, no wonder he's stuck at 26% or something in his own party and can't nail down the nomination with only Herman Pizza Cain and Crazy Rick Perry laying in the road for him to drive over.
  20. OMG!! The Democrats want people to have jobs! This is aweful! Can't happen, make it go away! You guys are pathetic!
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