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Everything posted by Dave_In_Norfolk

  1. Excellent series. Love the little factoids they drop in there, like how we dropped twice as much explosives from the air just trying unsuccessfully to stop movement on the ho Che Minh trail as we dropped on Germany in ww2. What a waste! That war was such a mistake.
  2. Me??? I'm not the one that pointed out he was a simpleton, that was Tom
  3. No, I know a lot of people consider that type of economics socialist, so what. Say, did you right wing clowns ever answer my question about how the US has never followed Adam smith free marek economics? It has not, and I took some criticism for saying so. When has the US ever been a free market economy? Ha ha ha! Newt a total idiot, but to right wingers that means he's a genius
  4. WW1 came to an end on that date and time in 1918 Hitler was in Hospital and cried when he found out
  5. No no no, tell me first, this is my thread, I'll ask the questions here, lol
  6. One of the mods of this board use to say he [AD] generally checked his website for answers to questions on politics. I'm sure he will not admit to that now.
  7. Do you like him? And why? I'm sure you are afraid to answer
  8. Romney can win. I do not doubt that. But the Republican celebration would be seriously short lived. He would be another Scott Brown, Arnold, etc, who the Conservatives would hate as soon as he did something/anything to anger the stupid Tea Party.
  9. Nice post. I have always been of the opinion that its basically impossible to run a country successfully with some input of the people on decisions. The Founding Fathers accomplished that with the House of Reps, at least in part, but China has done a decent job for a few decades without the people's input, that cannot last forever. We have a pretty big stake in seeing that transition take place smoothly.
  10. He's alive and doing fine! http://livewire.talkingpointsmemo.com/updates/1824 More proof that Conservatives recycle their trash!
  11. Ha ha, you are stupid! You are AD screaming the sky is falling is funny as hell!
  12. Lol, nothing like a confident ignoramus! Go for it OC! Chicken
  13. We have never followed Adam Smith, what do you mean, "anymore"? Didn't stop us from becoming a great power
  14. So if we close three quarters of rural polling stations, and make them drive at least a hundred miles, you would be ok with that?
  15. Hyperbole? Attacking the government workers is just a sad, lousy and hateful little thing to do. And clowns like you running around claiming the sky is going to fall if we don't crush the cops, teachers and firefighters is shameful. Let's just degrade the people who make our society run, the hockey coaches, the people that spend the days with our kids and care for our sick parents. Sure let's make them poorer, demoralized and feeling useless. Great idea! Oh crap! The basement, I have Togo toss my laundry in the dryer! Thanks man, I forget about that
  16. Ha! Take the pathetic victories in your life where you can AD. I'm suppose to win against a mob of right wing ignorance? Only you would actually run around celebrating a victory....oops, "victory" like this Says the moron who lives on this website 24/7 When was the last time you experienced outside weather???
  17. It's a good time to buy oil stock, imo. Look, we have 9% unemployment and gas is still pretty expensive, imagine if just half those people get decent jobs! Oil prices are already a concern and are holding back economic growth, something should be done now, just because its the smart thing to do. Solar is really taking off and will probably only get better, and probably a lot better. 30 years from now I would imagine we should/better be on our way to a new energy future.
  18. Former Fox News host and now governor of Ohio John Kashish is likely to see his anti-union law go down in flames tomorrow. All the Fox news friends have been pouring money into the state to crush teachers, nurses, cops and firefighters but it looks like the good people of Ohio will have none of this.
  19. True, but so what, if Hillary were the GOP nominee I'd still vote for Obama, but romney is still a liberal republican I know big government is a good thing I also know that healthy corporations are a good thing Woo hoo, go corporatism!
  20. If Liberal Republican Mitt Romney is the nominee and he beats Obama it might actually be a good thing. Only Nixon can go to China, afterall. Romney will be able to carry more weight pushing climate change legislation, like he has in the past: http://hotair.com/archives/2011/10/15/will-romney-hire-obamas-climate-change-guru-holdren/ We all know he probably won't attack Obamacare He is pro-choice He isnt anti-Anti gay With his background he is not like his party in the hate towards other religions It would make sense for him to lead a tax reform movement to raise more revenue so badly needed. He's looking like another Arnold Schwartzenager
  21. You seriously can't understand how our stronger centralized system is superior to the European decentralized system? You obviously do not know anything about doing business in Europe, and it's not my job to educate your totally ignorant arse. I think if you tried to take anything from me you would end up swallowing a pound of my poop
  22. Greece is really a case study for our Americans Conservatives love of states rights. Thank God--or really big government Liberals--for not having a decentralized confederation where South Carolina or some other state drag us all down. Centralization is simply good for the economy
  23. And that's exactly why you are a moron mr. Anti government joker! You need to really look in the mirror, not just take a quick glance You mean if you taxed the wealthy more--among other things--and created more consumers, put more people to work, improved neighborhoods, schools and the lives of children, that wouldn't improve People's lives???? Seriously?
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