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Everything posted by Dave_In_Norfolk

  1. Mitt and Newt, the war candidates! http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-503544_162-57323686-503544/romney-gingrich-at-gop-debate-wed-go-to-war-to-keep-iran-from-getting-nuclear-weapons/ We have to toss thousands of government workers to the curb because we are supposidly broke, but what's a few trillion for another war? Well, where are all the "I didn't agree with war in Iraq" Conservative flip floppers who really did agree with the war in Iraq until it was unpopular? Go Bills. Sabres have me feeling sort of down today, but that's how it goes. Oh, did you just miss my making fun of Newt's over the top looney rhetoric?
  2. Is world demand up? If not, then when it rebounds, we are looking at some seriously high gas prices I've been thinking about natural gas, have we not had a flood of it on the market? Yet that price has not fallin, at least from the people I have talked to about heating their homes. So maybe supply/demand isn't the ALL in energy markets. BTW, I have totally ignored investing in gas because I do not know what a flood in gas on the market would mean. Price flucuations is my guess. Invest in pipelines? And I guess they want to export natural gas but the process is tricky or something.
  3. Pointing out the truth usually brings out the worst in people like you
  4. President newt would lead a crusade against the secular/Muslim/homosexual/fascist/media/elites trying to turn us into a socialist utopia. I mean have you seriously followed how looney this guy is???
  5. Wasn't me! I was there in July. I wonder if they wanted it for copper or as a souviner???
  6. This country has never worked on the basis of free market economics
  7. You tell me, I've always been a supply and demand believer. Can't have all this economic growth without putting pressure on supply, so don't be throwing straw men my way
  8. What's the big problem with creating incentives for businesses? Why are you against pragmatism?
  9. As solar improves--as it quickly is--your rates will fall. Plus you get to help out with slowing global warming you lucky devil Better than paying for a war in Iraq for decades
  10. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/11/12/business/energy-environment/a-cornucopia-of-help-for-renewable-energy.html?_r=1&hp I'd rather "waste" government money this way than in another war. Waste away I say! If it helps us get to a new way of running things it will be worth it.
  11. Economy must be getting better, optimism abounds....my NOV stock is doing very well!
  12. http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/the-era-of-not-my-responsibility/2011/11/11/gIQA9WY8BN_story.html?tid=pm_pop
  13. The guys a parasite, and the only thing he's good at is spewing right wing nonsense. Heck, even conservatives have kicked this guy to the curb several times already. Thank god for short memories, I guess. He would be a nightmare candidate for the GOP. Obama would beat this guy 70-30.
  14. Good! http://www.politico.com/blogs/bensmith/1111/Occupy_Wall_Street_is_winning.html
  15. I'm googling, really? Newt is a self evident idiot, if you don't think so, more power to you cool aid
  16. Straw man much? Big government isn't perfect, but it is a positive good. As to why I very much support wealth redistribution, it's simply because I understand how the world works, I understand how the economy works and I understand consumers need money to spend in order for a consumer driven economy to work. And since the government makes the money everyone should get some of it mate.
  17. Paul is a complete jackass. He's still crying the sky is falling because of the massive inflation we are suppose to be living through Go back on the gold standard? Ok sure. He's just the "ugh, government bad" guy, and right wing simpletons everywhere cheer that and then go and collect Medicare
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