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Everything posted by Dave_In_Norfolk

  1. Oh no, the point that if we attack them they have the oil weapon to play in many ways is a fair argument, silkworms or no silkworms. Sorry you got so angry over a weapon, gees get a grip. You are just trying to split hairs and be pedantic over something you have a small bit of knowledge in. That's sophomoric.
  2. Policies?? What policies? Government makes policies so I guess no matter what everything is governments fault? It snowed tonight, bad government!
  3. You are right, you must be an expert or something? So you believe the silkworm missles won't be a threat to shipping in the straights? How about their artillary? He's tops in the polls now! Boy, I sure hope he can maintain the lead. I'd love to see President Obama vs. Newt the Housing Historian What did Newt get his PHD in?
  4. 1) You begin with the Liberal Media Conspiracy 2) Then you parrot Newt's line of defense verbatim 3) Then you toss in a gratuitous attack on Barney Frank, making sure to make note his sexual orintation in the process How are you not a tool or a troll?
  5. http://www.buffalonews.com/business/article502035.ece Well Done Western New York
  6. That's funny. It's all just humbug. Just today's version of the flag burning amendment
  7. Newt worked for that evil organization? That's horrible! He SHOULD join Barney Frank as a member of the group of people not running for president! But I hope our "Housing Historian" stays around awhile
  8. What do you think that statistic means? Can you explain it for us without looking like a complete idiot?
  9. Fan-f'n-tastic!!! http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/267570/out-dust-tweets-and-trivia-emerged-gingrich-katrina-trinko Actually I'm a housing historian, just like Newt!
  10. Sorry, missed this wonderful thread yesterday. Tom, ok, sure, Iran would just lay down and let us walk all over them if we attacked, just like Iraq The very idea that poor Iran is simply going to jump up and wipe Israel off the map and Israel's missles will all be destroyed is about as dumb as Tom's point that Iran could never fire at a ship in the Straights. Stupid, stupid, stupid Back to Newt. I see [ha ha] he's now calling himself a Housing Historian to explain away the million dollars in lobbying fees he took from one of the evil Freddies. As in the Housing Mortgage company Conservatives are blaming for the housing bubble. Housing historian? Hey, he's a real intellectual, though
  11. http://www.tnr.com/article/politics/97308/dc-circuit-court-obamacare-conservative I think will uphold the mandate. It just makes too much sense
  12. Heres hoping! Oh no, your angry, that's obvious. Yes, no president is perfect, and expecting them to be is moronic
  13. That I live long enough to see you post anything intelligent.....I will be an old, old man
  14. I can't believe you are getting angry over this!?!? All politicians do crap like this, so what?
  15. After having years to prepare, I'm pretty sure the Iranians will get more than a few shots off, if not many more, and in any event the cost to the world oil economy will be huge, and not just for the missiles, artillery and other methods that would be used. They don't even have to hit anything, but if they do......
  16. Speaking of someone that needs to recuse themself
  17. A year won't matter, Obama ain't gonna win Nebraska anyway and the enviros will support him anyway. Don't worry, it will get built during Obama's second term
  18. I see the Supreme Court has decided to rule on the mandate
  19. 1) Decades? Ummm..the minority slaveholders of the South were there at the beginning 2) This is the Constitution that Hamilton and the slaveholders compromised on? The one that gave favorable representation based on owning other humans? The one Hamilton used to create government institutions he packed with his cronies? That Constitution? 3) Ya, highest standard of living in the world The limiting of government was seen by many with vested interests as a way of protecting those same vested interests
  20. Silk worm missiles raining down on the straights of Hormuz.....oh boy! $12.56 a gallon gas!
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