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Everything posted by Dave_In_Norfolk

  1. Wow, what a well researched fact filled post! You are so stupid!
  2. Ya, because Newts rambling, half incoherent debate responses have been great so far. :/ Newt sounds smart to stupid people. His rants against the "liberal media" won't cut it. Neither will his idiotic, simplistic ideas of dealing with Iran. He will be a slightly better Sarah Palin, really, that's it
  3. Let's hope he wins the nomination! Obama winning is great. Obama smashing up a POS like Newt....priceless!
  4. http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/elections/election_2012/election_2012_presidential_election/new_hampshire/election_2012_new_hampshire_republican_primary He's doing ok in new Hampshire
  5. Ha! What do they think they are, private sector military contractors or something?
  6. http://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/195509-gingrich-wins-nh-union-leader-endorsement
  7. This is the top headline story on Google financial news: As a matter of fact, the financial pages have been the soundboard for this movement from the start. http://abcnews.go.com/Business/wireStory/occupy-protests-shop-mom-pop-black-friday-15017625
  8. Lol, last night he said we were going to confront Iran by making all this energy here (oil?) and then telling Europe not to buy Iranian oil (buy ours instead) and then the problem will be solved. The Iranians would be out of a source of revenue and President Newt would be able to dictate his terms. Very intellectual! This was so stupid on so many levels and CNN of course took it serious and actually analyzed it in a really screwed up way while totally missing the point that it will never happen, but what ever, Newt's really a genius to some people. Wow!
  9. Cap and Trade is a socialist/Kenyan plot to destroy us all!
  10. Pretty usless debate. Newt really looked bad at times, not knowing the debate format, blathering on about what he knows not as he forgot what he was talking about, and arguing that he could painlessly cut entitlements without any trouble at all. His speaking style is a liability in a long race, becasue you can't keep talking in broad, deep generalities forever while trying to act like an expert on everything. Have to say old Ron Paul kept them on their toes with his, "You don't need to give up any liberty for security, ever." I can see Huntsmen being the next GOP flavor of the week and its pretty easy to see why people don't like Mitt Romney
  11. Beware of moon bats! This is already weird?? This singer is a... Ron Paul got punked!
  12. Wow, on Fox news you say? And run a website? Awesome! You forgot he's an ugly hate monger, too. This guy is toast if he ever wins the nomination. Gees, this guys skeletons are not even in the closet! Long live Newt!
  13. A vacuum leak from a hose? Is there a PCV valve?
  14. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!! Newts a jack a@@. Total, 100% jack a@@. He doesn't have a chance. The fact he is leading the GOP field is almost proof enough of what. Joke he is. Will Donald Trump come back and bump him out of the lead, lol!
  15. Oh why?? Why??? Why can't the left wing media leave Newt alone? They are gonna bury this guy. Gees, I'd cut off my pinky finger to have this clown the GOP nominee. This is so sad watching Newt front and center....
  16. It's only going to get worse with health care costs. All those old voters retiring now. Raise those taxes. Raise them! It's the only real solution.
  17. Yes! If the playoffs started tonight and Miller was ready, I'm staying with Enroth. He made it look easy last night, getting out on the top of his crease, knocking rebounds away and not giving Carloina a lot to shoot at.
  18. Wow!! This speaks to the dreadful campaign of Romney that he can't even shake a tarnished, tired old scandle ridden blabber mouth of a retread politician like Gingrich. http://nhjournal.com/2011/11/18/poll-romney-gingrich-in-statistical-dead-heat-in-n-h/ The question has to be asked. Is Romney only a "front runner" because he like Cain, Bachmann, Newt, Palin, Perry, Trump and who ever else the cat draggs in, is there because he has not faced full scrutiney yet? What if Romney's flip flops become the story next and he drops into the single digits? Is there someone else out there or will Perry rotate to the front of the line again?
  19. So the rest of the country with it's lower taxes and higher unemployment is better off?
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