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Everything posted by Dave_In_Norfolk

  1. You understand that the rate is still higher than it was before the recession, right? Most of that is public sector jobs. What's so hard to understand about that?
  2. http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/romney-and-gingrich-from-bad-to-worse/2011/12/02/gIQArsM3LO_story.html?hpid=z2 George Will seems a little jealous of Gingrich, lol. Two blow hards that do not like each other I sure hope Conservatives do not derail Gingrich before he wins the nomination. That would be sad
  3. ww2 the unemployment rate in ww2 was like 2 % so what are you talking about??? And the pe pole dropping out of the work force, are they the baby boomers retiring?
  4. Really? So this season being better than the last two seasons doesn't show improvement?
  5. It's the best in two and a half years...do you understand how that shoots a hole through your argument? Let's hope it's a positive trend.
  6. Good point! Most of the jobs lost have been in the public sector. Local and state governments shed jobs left and right during the recession and they have not come back, and the private sector has not picked up the slack, though they private sector has returned to pre- recession levels of employment A lot of people are also retraining right now and will fill jobs that are open now when they are ready to
  7. Are you comparing Newt to Reagan? That comparison just doesn't hold water at all. Reagan was not a failed house member from a small district who was forced out in disgrace, he was governor of Callifornia and a pretty steady advocate for his ideology. Newts a disaster, though I'll grant you Reagan came across as pretty dumb at times, but still, you had to love him as a person. Newt is a condescending jerk If newts the nominee, Obama will destroy him, IMO Also.....Carter had to survive a damaging challenge for the dem nomination that year. Even Krauthhammer admitted today in his column that Newts standing with independents and cross over deems is appalling low. I just do not see Gingrich even mounting much of a serious challenge. His mouth moves too fast for his brain
  8. Partly, we understand that word? I know this is bad news to you guys, but come on, can't you at least pretend to be happy over all those thousands of jobs created? Gees...what losers
  9. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/12/03/business/economy/us-adds-120000-jobs-unemployment-drops-to-8-6.html?_r=1&hp Economy seems headed in the right direction finally. This could just be a small blip, or it could be the beginning of a solid move towards a much better employment picture. If this trend continues through the next year it will have a big impact on the election Pretty strange considering how bad the rest of the world is. But the USA has pretty gifted leadership
  10. So it's Romneys time to fade away, ya? Thanks for making the very point this thread is all about. You didn't mean to, but you did
  11. Isn't it what LBJ said about Goldwater? At least McCain was a decent man with a serious and good record, Newt is a disaster, he's a snake oil salesmen, if you don't see that it's not my job to make you see, just watch and wait.
  12. Obama has to win the GOP nomination? Stop being an idiot!
  13. Anyone he runs against will be a loser, Newt just makes the task so much easier. Newt also opens up the possibility of a victory of historic proportions
  14. states rights? Ha ha, the individual mandate is still a mandate. How about h is flip flop on abortion?
  15. HA HA!! Oh, did he do well with Hannity? Big surprise there. Palin did too, where's she now? I so hope Newt is the Republican nominee! Oh please God! We need a "Housing Historian" running aginst Obama, oh that will be grand! And Newt's blow hard rhetoric will force Iran to recognize Israel?? Huh??
  16. That interview with Fox news was a disaster. Amazing that Fox news was able to fluster him with the flip flop charge, but if they can, this guy is toast. Then Newt declares he will be the nominee today. http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2011/12/gingrich-tells-abc-news-im-going-to-be-the-nominee/ And the polling seems to back old Newt up!
  17. And that wife of his? Imagine that slut in the white house as our first lady? Will she start going after someone elses husband too? Or will Newt just leave her for another women half way through the first term he is never going to have.
  18. Yes, Newt will be hit for is hypocrisy, his flip flopping, his inside Washington status while claiming to be an outsider. He's already toast, you clowns just have not figured out the obvious yet. Can Palin still run for you morons?
  19. you mean the Obama? He won, that is doing perfect politically. Keynes has helped bring us the greatest prosperity we have ever known. You are arguing against success, that's really stupid
  20. Newt isn't much better than Cain in this case, even if he was a family values candidate. Newt will be such a fun nominee!!
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