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Everything posted by Dave_In_Norfolk

  1. If he was arresting and detaining American citizens he belongs in jail
  2. I was going to say this is your most intelligent post ever, but that wouldn't be precise enough. It's your least stupid post ever
  3. Probably the biggest historical event I have lived through. Finally over.
  4. http://news.yahoo.com/apnewsbreak-feds-arpaio-violated-civil-rights-164947314.html
  5. The schools? What the heck are they suppose to do about lazy, ignorant culture?
  6. If this were the only issue that mattered, I would vote for Ron Paul next year. Newt rattling sabers over Iran's dispute with Israel is simply him wanting campaign money
  7. Newts basically promising to "save" us by attacking Iran. Blah, blah, blah.
  8. Ha ha! Afraid of a guy that is whistling past the grave yard trying to win his own parties nomination? Nice try! And look at this! http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2011/12/11/9365498-gingrich-opens-up-big-leads-in-south-carolina-and-florida South Carolina????
  9. You are so stupid, the crowd cheered, Romney even admitted he would be a career politician if he didn't lose, and for a Conservative to be beaten down over the hated Teddy Kennedy is an embarrassment. I know you will try and rationalize away this slap down, so have fun, but you are still an idiot. Tom, you better come help this clown out here.
  10. Didn't take macro economics in college I take it 3rd? Or is 3rd grade as high as you got?
  11. Its why he isn't a "career politician" Newt called him a loser, which is probably what endears you to Romney And the unforced error of the night was $10,000 bet....gees, that was stupid! http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1211/70246.html
  12. "you lost to Teddy Kennedy, that's why you are not a career politician!" Biff!
  13. http://www.buffalonews.com/business/article660946.ece Better news than a Sabres win!
  14. Showing off your ignorance is pretty ugly. No, I understand what a political machine is, I used the term correctly but your just didn't understand it. The National Debt? See next point. Washington? Did you know that cranky whiners in the 1790's were crying over the...wait for it...National Debt! Yes, Hamilton, Washingon's Sec of Treasury, created the National Debt to establish our credit, among other things like lifting a financial burden off the northern states, and get us out of the post revolutionary economic malise. It worked! They are basically trying the same thing now and seeing how we still have the highest standard of living in the world, the two party system must be doing something right. The two party system that started--at least the first one--with the founding fathers themselves, Darin. How horrible! And yes, it really doesn't matter which party is in power, the debt will still be huge. If someone actually tried to get rid of it quickly, or even moderatly quickly, it would be an economic mess. No thanks. BTW, where that inflation at? You people that love to point out the bad in something, take your pick, national debt, two party system, federal reserve, whatever else....and basically argue that the world has just now grown corrupt, just don't have a clue. So if we got rid of the two party system foreign nations wouldn't still buy influence in our government? Really??? Do you like any of these non-D's or non-R's for president? Who are they? Do they offer simplistic solutions to all our problems? Please tell us.
  15. I think I was wrong, No way will Gingrich will stay on top to win the nomination
  16. Wrong what? No, you try again. This is all you! Anyone who isn't a D or an R?? Really? How and why is the two party system broken? Has it always been so, or is history something way above you as I suspect it is. Do tell us moron. Sitting back and being a whinny little complainer is fun isn't it? What is it you want this non-politician to do? How will they make the country better? How will they make you happy? Do tell us simpleton, please. Please prove you are more than a cranky whiner
  17. I'm sure someone will really have to twist your arm
  18. You've never heard of a political machine before? Who would you like to see be president?
  19. But they were employed, actually. As were the many people who were working to support the troops This sort of sounds like your silly everyone has left Buffalo so unemployment should be low argument, ha
  20. Europe is grappling with creating stronger centralized control so that the Euro can be held together and be less exposed to dangers of the individual states undermining the soundness of the currancy. In other words, they want to have a system more like we have here http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-15997784
  21. Lots of comparisons to Buffalo, but is western new York really doing that bad? I don't think so
  22. Ummm, no, there was very low unemployment in ww2 And if you don't trust the good numbers nothing I can do to chug your mind that it's all a conspiracy Some job creatn in the public sector and people dropping out of job market. What's your point?
  23. This is why I would love a Newt candidacy. If lowly Ron Paul can smack him down think about what the Obama Machine will do to him. There will be Republicans wanting to cancel the election
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