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Everything posted by Dave_In_Norfolk

  1. You are assuming facts not in evidence man. You are a strawman creator. And no its not true and I never said that even if you wanted me too. Now, why couldn't you have just stated your crappy, non-fact based theory up front instead of asking for me to type out a long irrelevent post?
  2. This is great! You should just shut up and stop digging a deeper hole for yourself. This tax cut operates on the demand side, not supply side. Its Keynesian in that it increases consumer power. I know in your simplistic world that all tax cuts are exclusivly Supply Side--something you probably do not understand--but that is not true.
  3. Yes, that's such a great point. One of the big complaints against 'the government' in 1763 was that the Brits wouldn't all the colonists to move west of the appalachian mountains That's such an ignorant statement. The welfare stat has incredibly improved peoples lives, it's a big reason for the longer life span, the reduction of child mortality and easing general misery all over.
  4. Too lazy to do the research yourself? What's your point? You don't like the GOP raising taxes so you bring up Bush? What an idiot you are
  5. Supply side? Payroll tax cuts are Keynesian. Here is a source for you: http://www.forbes.com/sites/paulroderickgregory/2011/12/20/the-payroll-tax-cut-consensus-another-keynesian-sand-castle/
  6. House Republicans are determined to see this increase take place. Oh well
  7. Because we are recovering from a financial crisis and the economy has to reboot, that doesn't change the fact that consumers drive economic activity
  8. No, he's a maverick! He is siding with Obama over the evil middle class tax cut House Republicans are blocking, like they always do with tax cuts, unless they are for the super wealthy http://www.politico.com/politico44/2011/12/gingrich-sides-with-obama-on-payroll-tax-108331.html
  9. Wow! Way to avoid the main point! But I guess when you know he's--and I'm--right you have to start throwing out bs. Yes, a consumer driven economy needs CONSUMERS! Duh! Stick to the point stupid, Consumers create jobs! How about adding something that deals with the topic instead of making up garbage and throwing out tired slogans like "All Rich People Are Evil." I never said anything of the kind and it just shows how ignorant you are that you have to put false words in my mouth. You are pathetic At least you've given up trying to make serious points. Too bad, it was so much fun laughing at your inane "logic"
  10. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-12-01/raise-taxes-on-the-rich-to-reward-job-creators-commentary-by-nick-hanauer.html So true. That our political debates are not based on this is a testament to the fact of how our politicians of both parties are bought lock, stock and barrel by the wealthy. They control the language that we use, the rhetoric we hear and the outcome of the political process to a large degree.
  11. Ummmm....ask Osama Bin Laden biotch! And Obama becomes president and Quadaffi, now this guy, can Castro survive a second Obama term? Chavez is sick too! Sometimes it's just better to be lucky than boob
  12. Another victory for Obama's foreign policy! First Qaudaffi, now this thug. Can Castro be far behind? How long till Newt, Sanitorium, Paul, Bachman and the rest of that pathetic crew blame our President for this being some sort of failure? Just unbelievable! I'm shaking my Rob Johnson jersey in anger!
  13. How many Challenger disasters is it? And, as usual, your ignorance of history is both embarrassing and sad. Pickett's Charge didn't take place till the afternoon. It took along time to move all the units into place to get the assault started.
  14. Oh I get it now, Iraq War can't be one of the biggest events because it was a giant f up by Conservatives from top to bottom. Conservatives from up high--Conservative George Bush--to the lowly posters on this board swore we had to do it or it was appeasement, surrender and death. Whatever. Look at our federal debt right now--it helped that along Our politics have been changed by it The Middle East--for better or worse only time will tell--has been changed The military has been seriously changed Oil prices shot up during the war for obvious reasons and have never come back down so our economy has had to change because of it The distrust of government--WMD anyone? The media has changed for the better, IMO The Challenger Disaster
  15. Bigger than the Iraq War? Toms just being his usual stupid self with that one
  16. So true! People might have died on 9-11 if al gore had been president! Thousands, maybe. Thank god we had Bush protecting us
  17. Crap throwing monkey man? Ok....how many posts you got on that? Loser
  18. And the liberalization of the Chinese economy RK's point about computers is right on, though
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