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Everything posted by Dave_In_Norfolk

  1. And George, when were old and retire from being farm workers, we will be really wealthy, right George? And we can have lots of rabbits then George 'cause we will be old and rich, we'll have real estate equity, right George? Just cause we are old....
  2. I asked about a stupid point, got a stupid answer and have pointed that out, that's all
  3. It's a stupid point--no surprise from you. Comparing the average elderly person in our country to the wealthiest people in the nation is idiotic. On top of that using real estate is priceless!
  4. This is so you, just like pointing out how every tax cut has seen the economy grow afterwords--it would have grown anyway. But more to this stupid point of yours. It is totally meaningless. Old people do not constitute a single economic block like rich people do. Old people might own a lot of real estate, or they might own nothing. You are so stupid to try and make this point, and what your craven need to make them out to be wealthly is driven by is your desire to take away their health care. And real estate? Really? Not exactlythehealthyiest sector these days, but hey, they should mortgage their house to pay for that hip replacement surgery, right? That's evil, and stupid all rolled into one. You better keep calling me names, because it is all you got little boy
  5. Ha! Are you really a rich miserable person you act like on a computer? Totally awesome! We are on the march rich boy!
  6. Yes, don't listen to them because they are not perfect people, meanwhile the GOP is on the way to nominating another prince born with a silver dick in his mouth. So Obama is a self made man, yes?
  7. Oh, this is so stupid. So your argument is that government is spoiling everyone because we have Medicare? How about in the past when the government gave whites an entailment to a better life and better things? We are way better off than we use to be.
  8. Oh look, the brown nose brothers are reaching out and attacking me together. What would you losers do without each other? Run and hide for fear of not being able to back each other up? Where do the capitalists get their money you complete ignoramus? Can you back up this assertion with any sort of facts? And there wouldn't be much of a transfere of wealth if socialized medicine didn't exist to protect that wealth. Socialism rocks!
  9. With all these old people? No way to cover all the elderly with great health care. And socialism is necessary in a consumer driven economy, it makes sure people have buying power so the corporations can sell them stuff
  10. Oh, Santorium is the new Reagan? Where do you get that from? But he is on the move! He's the latest recycled loser to be the anti-Romney http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2012/01/02/santorums-fundraising-soars-along-with-his-poll-numbers/
  11. Obviously a decent mix of both capitalism and socialism is a good thing
  12. http://2012.talkingpointsmemo.com/2012/01/rand-paul-calls-rick-santorum-a-war-mongering-moderate.php?ref=fpa Good, among the many things that sickens me about the GOP is their desire for more wars
  13. What do you think is a good media source? Do tell us
  14. I have the feeling you don't know enough about the Cuban Missle Crisis to really make a serious point about it, but yes, in a broader view of things they did talk themselves down from the edge, which is a form of politics...as is war His main point was that we have to be very good at politics because we will increasingly have the ability to kill each other. I'd rather choose politics myself.
  15. His media corner is a subsection of the media. His advertisers sell to a Conservative audiance, that's why you see so many people selling gold on his show, and on Rush Limbo's show, too. Generally, he benefits from selling to less educated, more gullible and hateful people. That's why the gold charlatans flock to buy advertising in the media sector, its easy pickings selling to those idiots The "Main Stream media" has a wider public it has to sell advertising to so its "product," the information it transmits, is less hateful, but more sensational in nature. If it bleeds it leads
  16. Tom, is this one of your other handles? I mean what a ball lick! Anyway, you "guys" do agree that the media is/are capitalist businesses? Right?
  17. The media's customers (viewers) are liberal more than politicians want to admit, and the media is a business and has to sell it's product. It's simple economics. Conservatives don't understand that, because they do not undertake economics, supply side or whatever How is that gold investment doing Conservatives?
  18. http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/are-we-alone-in-the-universe/2011/12/29/gIQA2wSOPP_story.html
  19. Countries are attempting to stop people from buying Iranian oil? How the heck would that work? If the world could pull that off it would be something and the Iranian military might feel it had no options but to try and attack tankers in the gulf as their hold on power would nearly depend on that oil revenue This is getting more interesting
  20. Who benefitted? Everyone, but the super wealthy benefitted the most. Who has most of the wealth in our country? Tell us Stroll Flynn played Robin Hood! Ha! My favorite. Economist ever!
  21. Seriously? Gees, how would a tax cut for 160 million workers increase consumer spending? Gosh, that's too hard to figure out! Are you a glue sniffer or something?
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