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Everything posted by Dave_In_Norfolk

  1. No, Obama is doing a fine job, and he has more experience, too boot! Romney probably would be a decent president and I do sort of like him, but I just have this feeling that within six months of his election he would be hated by the right wing. He will be like Arnold in California, a real RINO. But let's not forget, most of the other votes in this northern state when to candidates not named Mitt. Figuring he will automatically be getting all the Republicans to fall in line is to totally forget the last two years
  2. http://www.latimes.com/health/boostershots/la-heb-death-rates-homicide-20120111,0,1761439.story Seems like this big centralized state we live in--that Conservatives can't stand--is producing longer life spans, less violence and More life! Goodness gracious!
  3. Health care for the elderly A strong military which helps in so many ways Research and development Redistribution of wealth which keeps our consumer society running Civil Rights laws and for being a check against too much power for private concerns that might/do cheat, pollute and lie too much How would you deal with those things with a mini-government? The government makes enough for everyone to have, I like that.
  4. Oh, it was Romney's pac? Ok. So The Republicans doing it without the big bucks are bad but the Pac money makes frat boy innocent? As to the capitalism thing. It's sad. I think corporations are great, I think Big Government is also great, but people don't like either and that's just how it goes. Obama will defend health care while Mitt will defend outsourcing. Whatever
  5. Will they actually show themselves to be complete tools they are and vote for Big Government Mitt the long time politicians? He does have an ® by his name so I guess that's all that matters. Forget that he is the very definition of an elitist, supported Man Made Global Warming theory, signed a law that mandated health care insurance and is hardly a serious pro-life candidate at all. But the Tea Baggers will be there for him. Count on it
  6. Oh, I see, you just want more money to spend. That's your whole argument, you need more...ummm..ok 1) In too many ways to explain. You guys have no idea of what the world would be like in a country with a minimalist government 2) You are a complete idiot. I was asking a question not making a statement about capitalism being ineffecient
  7. Pathetic? Yes. Acting like Liberals? No. Actually they are following the example of Mitt Romney who did the exact same thing to Obama with the "If we keep talking about the economy we'll lose" commercial was was totally bull. So really, he deserves this and I hope it nails him right in the butt
  8. Oh ha! Yes, totally unfair, but this is Republicans we are talking about so they will slay "poor" Mitt with this. Perry's ringtone is pretty funny.
  9. How will reducing government make you happy? Does the fact that people cheat the he'll out of insurance companies prove to you that capitalism is inefficient?
  10. Oh no, I disagree. They are also drilling new wells all over the place. Oil is available that was not available with old drilling techniques. I invest in NOV and they are doing really well. I believe that most of the new jobs created have been created in drilling and mining. I also don't doubt some people are living fat and happy on benefits, but there are also a ton of jobs out there unfilled because the human capital is not yet available, but people are getting trained as we speak, people on unemployment insurance are training to fill jobs that didn't exist before. once that period of training transition is over those jobs will get filled. Your accusation--a Romneyesque statement--that we are creating a society tied to the dole, is unfair, if the jobs are not there then unemployment insurance will get relied on more.
  11. True, but energy is a changing dynamic now. We are actually exporting oil now for the first time in decades, and the huge finds in natural gas are a real game changer. Solar power is coming of age faster than expected, also.
  12. 1) Now you are complaining about not enough taxes being raised? 2) You are sourcing a lame stream media outlet? 3) Did you even read this? Perhaps you should call the WGR "Whinner Line", you would fit right in cry baby
  13. Oh, I see, we should measure unemployment differently now that we have a Democratic president. Ok Anyways, you clowns should be thrilled. Most of the new unemployed were government workers. So to complain about getting what you want is hypocricy Why are you idiots not happy about this? Its what you scream about all the time. Throw a friggin party or something. !@#$s http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2012/01/we-added-16-million-jobs-in-2011-where-did-they-come-from/251001/
  14. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/07/business/economy/us-adds-200000-jobs-unemployment-rate-at-8-5.html?pagewanted=all&src=ISMR_AP_LO_MST_FB Hopefully, the worst of the Bush recession is over and Obama will enjoy a strong economy in his second term
  15. Sure, his definition of insurance is straight out of Conservopedia. High risk or not, government or private, it's insurance, no matter what your ideological butt buddy wants to define it as. Is FDIC not insurance simply because the government does it? GG is simply full of it. You guys jump on people for being "partisan" and then let that trash go?
  16. Good bye America! Yes, this is serious! You idiots should go on a hunger strike in protest!
  17. http://www.google.com/finance?q=Gm Keeps going like this people will be snapping them up
  18. http://www.businessweek.com/news/2012-01-04/gm-leads-u-s-automakers-securing-best-sales-year-since-08.html Boom!
  19. Romney wins by a nose. His big bucks will drown Santorium out in many of the next primaries. 1) In spite of that I don't think people like this guy 2) Even if he wins the nomination I'm not sure a lot of Republicans will support him 3) Third party run by Paul?
  20. Your usual fact filled, thought provoking thread. Your posts are the Cotton Candy of PPP. Just air and sugar.
  21. Down to the wire between the War now / pro life candidate Sanitorium and the morphing flip flopper MItt Romney
  22. Sure, a person at 65 has more wealth than a person just starting a job, but only a couple of morons would make the argument that they constitute the wealthy.That's a stupid argument. So you think the retirees on Medicare are getting an undeserved free ride?
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