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Everything posted by Dave_In_Norfolk

  1. It's Obama's or the government's fault! As always and with everything
  2. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/18/us/politics/facing-pointed-attacks-romney-urges-focus-on-obama.html?nl=todaysheadlines&emc=tha2 Just a regular guy!
  3. You Conservative morons are pathetic I love netting a whole bunch of you clowns all at once! http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/17/nyregion/despite-long-slide-by-kodak-rochester-avoids-decay.html?_r=1&scp=1&sq=Rochester&st=cse And new York state killed the camera too, I guess? Rochester doing fine Another unproved and unprovable load of drivel vomited up by Darin
  4. http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/24-sports-news/article713115.ece And... Doesn't New York City reside in the same "business unfriendly" state Buffalo does?
  5. Yes! Crazy!!! "Borrowing" money to feed people! Nuts! Money that will end right back in our own economy, crazy! Carzy! Crazy! Who is the idiot that wrote this op-ed?
  6. Imus played this this morning at 6am and I woke up to it. The Civil Rights movement changed everything. Our politics, our writing of history, our culture and what it means to be an American. The greatness of the movement and its victory over bigotry, hatred and terrorism stands as shining moment in our country's history.
  7. There you go! The "bitter politics of envy." That is right out. This is not a quiet room, people can see and read what you write and Price Romney the economic royalist believes it to be uncouth at the least, and UnAmerican at worst to even discuss how unfair our economic system is, so just stop it! His Majesty Mitt the First can't be expected to end the housing slump, pull Europe out of recession, get China back onto 10% growth and unlease the magical power--God given power?--of his upper crust corporate know how if people come out of the quiet rooms--closets?--and complain about things that really should not be complained about. Of course everyone is jealous of Mitt I, he's Mitt I! Is it too early to talk about abolishing the 22nd amendment so we can keep him forever???
  8. Newt is putting the $5 million "gift" from the Casino magnet to good work. This ad is pretty good: http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/gingrich-hits-romney-knowing-speak-french-150300235.html Freedom fries!
  9. There are pictures of him at a Planned Parenthood conference out there. http://americanresearchgroup.com/pres2012/primary/rep/sc/ He can't win the general election with out these people being stampeded to the polls by the big churches.
  10. You really do need everything explained to you, don't you? You actuallly believe Medicare hasn't improved peoples lives? Wow
  11. Total bs, cry baby conservatism. This is as bad as Abu? You really know how to fix things in your own mind, don't you? But I know, the corporate media is really a socialist institution controlled by a Marx
  12. Obama? I don't think he deserves the credit. He didn't foreclose on Anyones home, lay anyone off or ruin their 401k. Gotta give the credit whees it's due on that
  13. Actually the report goes back to 1965 stupid, guess what was brand new then? Or are you on the "all Obama all the time" thing now? I didn't bring him up, you did Oh no, it's just what we call one example. Gees, you need everything explained to you in the greatest detail. Dumb
  14. Yes, being pragmatic, smart and successful are such terrible things Really? That's all your idiotic mind can come up with?
  15. Yes! http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/12/us/more-conflict-seen-between-rich-and-poor-survey-finds.html?nl=todaysheadlines&emc=tha23
  16. Medicare allows older Americans to see a doctor now, before a whole bunch couldn't so there. If that doesn't prove the points it's only because you are a complete moron--I already realize you are, so don't worry
  17. Tom threw out the totally unmeasurable argument that he can't lead, ya, whatever. Do your worst
  18. Things have gotten better under big government, what's so hard for a loser like you to understand?
  19. Now that is funny! At least butt picker chef likes it , congrats
  20. You had to edit that breath takingly thoughtless post? Start an Obama bad thread, and let's have some fun stupid
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