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Everything posted by Dave_In_Norfolk

  1. Your elevator does not go to the top floor OMG !!! You don't put up Christmas Lights???? What the f is wrong with you?
  2. I think they had machine guns on them, didn't they?
  3. I bet you are sexy. Doing anything Saturday? Let's go out
  4. Wow, your hatred of Obama knows no bounds! How about Bachmann? Palin? Pat Robertson?
  5. On Feb. 9, 1943, the World War II battle of Guadalcanal in the southwest Pacific ended with an American victory over Japanese forces. I believe two sailors died for every soldier that did. At the Battle of Savo Island alone 1,000 American sailors died, one of the worst disasters in our naval history.
  6. Starting a business because people here are...well...ya, whatever! Thats the dumbest thing I've ever heard
  7. Must be my I'll is pretty popular seeing how Ricky did in his last election. Have you seen him arguing like a punk with people asking him questions in town hall style meetings like the women talking about her son needing expensive drugs? Anything but likable, the man is a cretin
  8. Don't forget the machine gun! It played a huge role in making the war a stalemate
  9. likable??? He reminds me of Stan's sister from South Park. He is a despicable, very dislikable person. I wish this hateful bastard would be the Nominee
  10. ya, powerful thing there. We know they have had other reasons to stay silent about crimes committed
  11. Santorum? Wow, the GOP is not falling in line at all behind the north eastern lib-moderate Obama wins again tonight!
  12. They don't have the right to vote...no freedom of expression...no liberal media...no right to assemble, or protest, to strike, they have it worse that the poor workers in our country 100 years ago. Teddy stepped up for the Anthrecite Coal miners 110 years ago, that won't happen in China. Sad
  13. Paul Ryan would be a disaster for Romney, an older electorate will not vote for cutting medicare. Foreign policy could still be the big wild card. Syria, Iran and who knows what else? That could break either way
  14. Oh, I'm constantly reading. I read about 150 pages of a Al Capone bio, which was great, but how many gangland killings can you read about. I've just started a George Wallace bio, and before that I went through "Almost A Miracle" about the American Revolution, best book about the revolution I've ever read, I highly recommend it.
  15. Boo hoo http://popwatch.ew.com/2012/02/06/karl-rove-clint-eastwood-super-bowl-chrysler-commercial/ *wad
  16. No, just pointing out that he's an idiot and it's not my fault if you totally missed the point
  17. http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/obama-holds-edge-over-romney-in-general-election-matchup-poll-finds/2012/02/05/gIQA5JX0sQ_story.html Alright! Gingrich seems to have done his job well of damaging Mitt. Obama off to a solid lead against Romney....long way to go of course
  18. Oh, you mean the same Kennedy who's proposal for Medicade and Medicare became law after his death? Conservative stuff like that? Have you ever heard of the "New Frontier," the child of the New Deal. You are an idiot
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