An awkward, inaccurate title along with some poor mechanics and grammar...but I get what the author was trying to say...blahblahblahpatriotsblahblahcowboysblahblahbandwagonblahblahican'twaitfor10thgradeblahblah
1. As for being banned, big surprise there.
2. It's only civil disobedience if somebody (in your case, anybody) cares.
3. Keep rationalizing your insensitivity.
4. DO pass this wonderful, loving attitude on to the next generation.
Actually 8.8 yards per attempt is very good... but I agree with your assessment...
Actually 8 yards per attempt is very good... but I agree with your assessment...yeah, my math sucks today...
move over "steel curtain-monsters of the midway-no name-purple people eater-gang green-fearsome foursome-orange crush-tampa 2-ravens 2000-85 bears"...make room for the..."great circle of wagons"??!?!?
I see a lot of emmitt smith in ray rice if he can stay healthy he's going to be 1 of the good ones... I always tried to talk myself out of liking emmitt and he ran himself right into the record books...