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You herd it hear last

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Everything posted by You herd it hear last

  1. Like this one... I wish this wasn't business as usual in Wisconsin, but oh well http://www.channel3000.com/news/Man-sentenced-for-13th-drunken-driving-conviction/-/1648/15620494/-/fjw0fz/-/index.html
  2. What kills me is we sacked 'em like a dozen times, they hit Fitz 1x and effectively ends our season. HOLY MOATS!
  3. In all fairness, those are comments about his college play. Did he continue to get better last year? and does he project to be better than the others like Moats, Batten (DE?) and the others that are fighting it out for just a few roster spots? I dunno, I'll leave it up to you guys to dissect his skillset and stats vs. the others.
  4. Is White good enough to cast some of the newcomers to the PS? IMO, I don't think his upside is as high as the others.
  5. What really resonates with me about these articles is the realization that we're gonna have to get rid of some of these good players. These guys were ALL starters on previous squads, now they can't even back up our back ups. It's a good problem to have finally.
  6. so double standard, 'nuff said...
  7. OP - What you should have done is made one of those overplayed hitler rant videos. At least we woulda had a chuckle and people wouldn't think your asshat is permanently stapled to your head. There. Fixed.
  8. Where have I seen that before? hmmm... it pretty much defines low-hanging-fruit, so please excuse me...
  9. what's good for the goose, better damn well be good for the gander... especially since he DID hit a Canadian citizen... c da link... http://www.kbolaw.com/canada.htm
  10. don't forget about ahemmaybinachoo... he really rounds things out for that solid D... LOL (i just wanted to camouflage it a little, for i know the power of that name can hijack a thread oh so quickly)
  11. and when he does he usually puts his foot in it... nyuk nyuk
  12. your name should be paintmyhousejetsgreen
  13. After shamefully re-reading my previous post, I realized the perfect name if and when they move to Niagara Falls... The Niagara Energy Bills
  14. Nah, he always rubbed me the wrong way.
  15. I like the Obama's "aids" line. At least they weren't all capital letters. Whatcha expect from an article penned under the name "Joe"?... Gripping.
  16. i choose Fitz based on wonderlich scores only. that's how i roll man...
  17. thanks for keepin us in the loop, BB... great job
  18. When I see you walking down the street sportin' your fancy Nancies jersey, I'll give you a wink. And, yes, if our front office were to change the name to that, I most certainly would no longer be a fan.
  19. Not arguing that. Simply saying that putting the moniker "Bills" next to any other city just looks ridiculous to me. The association of the name then goes to the next obvious thing, the hated thing we get in the mail from the power, cell company, etc. The name should reflect the people in the stands. If they were to move to Niagara, either keep it the same or make a complete sensible change. And yes the name of your product is VERY relevant.
  20. By that I meant the 'role' he plays in the group. I'm simply assigned to fill that as to what I believe the GENERAL audience wants to see which is: 1. sexy 2. controversial 3. funny 4. contemporary 5. youthful 6. knowledgeable ...and probably about that order but I'm no marketing guru. I can see your point about the music as there are too many styles to please everyone it seems... thanks for your sincere feedback.
  21. That's probably what I should've originally posted, guys on tv we all hate. People these days just love to talk about that. I'll keep it in mind to negatively spin my next topic.
  22. Does anybody even get the association between the words; Buffalo and Bills? It's based on an historical figure, William "Buffalo Bill" Cody... thus the play on words! if I'm correct, is the only one in sports of that nature. here's the wiki link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buffalo_Bill How anybody could separate the two and even THINK that it makes sense is beyond rational thought. On the same side of things, the Sabres logo is the only logo in sports (that I can think of) that you can surmise both the city and franchise name by just the images (no letters). odd huh? any others??
  23. you should save that for the next Trent Edwards thread, but I see what you're doing there...
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