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You herd it hear last

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Everything posted by You herd it hear last

  1. what peter pan guy? gotta link? ... really, just kidding everyone...
  2. I hear that he runs routes well and he's slippery. Is that it? Honestly, when I first saw him I thought of that old coaches' saying, "he isn't very big but he IS slow"... Now, obviously he's come a long way since then. What makes this 'tweener' so capable of being our go to #1 guy? (besides the 35 mil) Some Q's that come to mind: Has he always shown these good traits as a player? What other receiver from NFL history can you say he bears a resemblance to in his style of play? Is he a BIG moment guy? Will he come through for us? Does he need to mature emotionally to be considered 'elite'? Will he?
  3. the absence of Matt Light is pitch darkness for the Cheatriettes*...
  4. There's only one thing I can definitely say, I ain't wastin' my puns on you two no more.
  5. It really is a classic 'No Name' offense. Their star receiver is just another Johnson, Fitzgera...er Fitzpatrick (what school again?) and a running back from DivIII. And those are the starters. No one remembers the O line til they get put up on some wall or in some hall. Let's face it. We very well could win the SB this year and have an excellent offensive season and still I think these guys aren't household names like the Rodgers' and the Breeze's, et al.
  6. He's so fast you can't even ID the guy... like a streak he is... some call him 'the flash'... somebody stop me.
  7. Everything's a muff when you don't have Wood...
  8. with the injury to nelson, things could get interesting...
  9. I do billieve that's what they invented the internet for... great reporting...thanks
  10. Problem is, when he's in the pocket, said feet are quieter than anyone's in the history of the NFL. Hopefully Dareus and Williamsquared will pass him around as their dance partners.
  11. thanks, next time I'll focus on all the obvious cliches.
  12. His word choice is interesting...they, up there, their level of play... we have catching up to do... can we read into his administration of the team or just where his mind is right now? Is there a hint of, "man I wish I had me one of THOSE guys on offense!"?
  13. ...until the Bills part ways and he gets picked up bu you-know-who and Fitz ends up looking across the LOS and glimpsing a grin right before he hurdles our rookie LT for a sack. I think it does matter that he's healthy, he's a big part of what other teams have to game plan around. I just don't agree with this, "he's just the cherries on top" thing one bit.
  14. what would we give them for the nausea they will inevitably suffer as a result of being around THAT many jests fans for THAT long, watching THEM practice?...ugh gotta say that he's one of the best emergency QB's in the game though...
  15. so of those three, who has the highest talent ceiling?
  16. We shouldn't necessarily get fooled again? LOL Ironically, as a vocalist in many rock projects I have sung this song live many times... add to that, I posted this after a jam last night... I think you may now know why I misquoted jw's misquote... do the math... funny schtuff
  17. you're making an assumption that TJ won't work out then, right?
  18. From your two posts, it appears McKelvin still has clubs for hands.
  19. I don't think he'll have as many cool stories with...umm...you know... the drugs, boozing and legendary womanizing... but it could happen, yeah...sure
  20. I hope you're not repeating those sentiments next year with regard to the Bills.
  21. It's nice to hear good news every once in a while...
  22. hey! My friend is a Cubs fan and I think he's a pretty nice guy... lol
  23. We must do all we can to make sure these fine reports don't get into the wrong hands. That's journalism, folks.
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