Let me start out by saying that during the time used to bowl competitively, I was ALWAYS working on my mental game and knew it was the difference between winning and losing. My practices were a mix of: trying new things, pushing the envelope of discomfort and being pinpoint accurate. BUT a huge component was confidence. It was very beneficial in that regard to throw strike after strike on an 'easy' lane condition sometimes, just to know that you have that ability and firepower (thus adding to your confidence).
O.K., now let's apply that to Bills Camp.
Is it feasible that the Bills D is SO good that the offense won't get a chance to gain that all important confidence won through consistent success in practice, leading to more disappointments in the regular season?
Are they SO good that, despite all the offenses' lack of success in camp, when the season starts all other defenses are pale in comparison, and it's like shooting fish in a barrel for our attack?
Do coaches read these dynamics and adjust off of them?
let 'er rip...