But by posting on this site, you ARE making an investment. You could very well be spending your valuable time doing just about anything else, even going to teams that are the flavor of the day.
I'd like a break from everyone that says I'm not ready to 'trust' or 'invest' in the team and then go out and buy every piece of Bills gear, season tickets, TV package and read every article out there. You're all just saying these things to protect your beaten ego's and covering your a$$e$.
btw, dabbler, if a stock has done poorly over an amount of time, it is probably priced to buy. Get it NOW before the price goes up based on the report that the Bills got better. oops, too late for you. My guess is that you and all the other so-called "Bills fans" will jump on board when the wins start piling on.
Me? I got a ticket and a nice plush seat.