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Posts posted by Nevergiveup

  1. I applaud your well researched posts, but you are wrong about almost everything you form an opinion on. I thought some people might want actual information as opposed to your grandstanding.


    I also understand your information only comes from Links. There are no links to accompany the info I am providing. Just accuracy. Sorry to dissapoint you.




    I won't expect an apology. Probably would be a first for you.

  2. If no ownership change, then Ralph needs to demote Brandon back to the Marketing and Sales Department and either give the full reigns over to Nix or some other football mind. No coach wants to report to Smithers who is a make believe GM. People need to stop living in denial, Brandon is calling the shots at OBD.


    I said it the day Nix was hired and Brandon was promoted that Brandon's promotion would screw us and was attacked by everybody here. Well, look whats happened.



    He could be part of the problem they are having with acquiring a coach. However he is not calling the shots.

  3. Well, I know in my career I've faced moments of truth where I'm standing at a fork in the road and have to decide what I stand for. Do I take the easy or selfish way, or do the right thing? I've actually had a few of those, I've done the right thing at personal cost and it's resulted in some pretty crazy things (without getting specific) taking place, but I've always landed on my feet and actually elevated my standing in the company. Of course my company is run by clear-headed people who saw my motivation and respected that.


    I believe Russ is smart enough to know he's in over his head as a "football man", but he needs the courage to nicely tell Ralph that an outside evaluator is needed. Even if it means upsetting him and rocking his world a bit. Russ has the best chance of anyone to break through Ralph's myopic bubble and allow some reality to enter the picture. He just needs to have the stones to do it.



    Tried and failed. Short of walking away from a lucrative job, there is not much that can be done and probably does not change anything. I am sure you have faced moments of truth, but turning your back on a CEO job with an NFL team is not something many people would do. Sorry no link.

  4. Remember when Tom Donahoe left? He told the media he fielded at least 2-3 calls EACH DAY from Wilson wanting to know what was going on. That just can't happen.


    Remember how it leaked out Wilson forced Wade to play RJ instead of Flutie? Remember how he tried to sue Wade to keep him from getting his last years pay after Ralph fired him?


    Remember how Mularkey flat quit the job? Remember how Ralph did Butler his last year here?


    Guys...ralph is the problem



    Unforunately you are 100% correct. You could add hundreds of additional examples as well.

  5. Yeah, the media ought to get out the thumbscrews and get the reasons out of coaches used to talking in politically correct coachspeak. They don't want to tell the reasons, but most likely, the reasons are the obvious ones, they are happy where they are, they hope a better offer comes their way, they're genuinely involved in the playoffs and doing their job the way it should be done, and they're very wary of a rebuilding job without a competent QB in place.


    As for the Grimm news at the top, the OP was obviously talking about the news we heard four days ago that Grimm won't be interviewing till after the playoffs. He hasn't turned us down, but has said that he won't interview us till after he's finished this season.


    Guys who come on and tell rumors with no attribution - well, if they had something new, they would have heard it minutes ago and easily been able to give us a link. When there's no link, you have to take everything with a huge dose of salt, and when hours later nothing has come out, you know it was YET MORE smoke without fire. Like there's not enough of that on these boards.


    OP, the reason we ask for links on these bits of news isn't to harass anyone or annoy anyone. It's to make sure that everyone on these boards is working with correct info. If everyone knows everything that is publicly available, if they know the facts and stats which are real from the ones people "heard somewhere," the level of conversation goes way way up.





    This is the latest news: http://www.buffalorumblings.com/2010/1/14/...ng-to-giants-as


    "Buffalo reportedly will sit down with Arizona's Russ Grimm regarding the opening once their playoff run is complete..."


    Here's another one: http://www.rotoworld.com/content/playerpag...6260&spln=1


    "It looks like Grimm will hold off for as long as the Cardinals remain alive in the playoffs."



    I applaud your well researched posts, but you are wrong about almost everything you form an opinion on. I thought some people might want actual information as opposed to your grandstanding.


    I also understand your information only comes from Links. There are no links to accompany the info I am providing. Just accuracy. Sorry to dissapoint you.

  6. Promo is a major league waffler. One minute he's going off on people for being negative, the next he's full-on chicken little.


    His schizophrenia would be amusing if he didn't take himself so seriously.



    They made an attempt to lure some of the premier coaches that were available. A reason for optimism. They were rebuffed by all and now are being turned down by coordinators. A reason to be negative. I don't think it is waffling. That is just how the process has gone.

  7. ha ha ha! The jokes on them. If any of them bothered to read Two Bills Drive they'd know these coaches are totally worthless. After all they all worked for Dick Jauron, so how good could they possibly be? And besides, none of them have Super Bowl rings.





    PTR. I think the next most likely to sign would be Sanders or Catavolos. Those 2 are pretty good coaches. However Studesville, Tolbert, Coiner, Sheldon, Lester were not very good. Add in Jauron and you have identified much of the problem.

  8. Still hope he at least interviews. However Wisenhunt is really the man behind that offense. Also, former Bills coach Mike Miller has more input into that offense than Grimm. Doesn't mean Grimm could not be a decent HC, but he would have to line up some strong coordinators.


    Maybe if he gets eliminated next week, he would be more likely to submit than if they make an extended run. Still does not look like it from what I have gathered.

  9. I strongly disagree. I think if a posted clearly states that the following information is of the "I heard..." type, then he or she is being forthright and not deceptive. I have issues with those who come on here and state something is a fact when they really are not sure.


    Moreover, "Nevergiveup" was quite accurate in his prediction that Nix would be named the GM, and he was the one and only person I saw post that the Bills would not be interested in Billick -- a move that surprised most here.



    Thanks Coach and Scribo.

  10. Anyone starting a thread with the words "I heard..." without providing a link or even attribution of any kind should be banned.



    Sorry. I was not sure how to phrase it. Just thought I would share the info.

  11. At least he's not saying its' because he is in love with Weisenhunt and Phoenix, if its' true. Funny, I don't remember Grimm even being an OC in the NFL? It really seems to me that these assistant coaches who have never been hired as head coaches in the NFL, should be taking every single interview they are invited to. If nothing else, it will help then gain exerience with the interviewing process. They can always turn down the job if it is offered to them. At least then they can be more prepared for their next interview, and they would have given the team inviting them to interview the respect they deserve.



    I completely agree. Sorry I don't have a link. It was info I thought I would pass along. I don't think he would be a good fit, but would still prefer that he at least takes the interview.

  12. Heard he decided not to interview with the Bills. Not completely 100% sure. I guess it would be be a surprise.


    I apologize in advance if I am wrong or if it has already been reported somewhere.



    Sorry. Meant it would not be a surprise.

  13. Don't know why everybody loves Rusty Jones... He has the same problem in Chicago... Him and Allaire share the Spirngfield College connection and are proteges..


    IMO, Rusty is just as bad... People just like to have fond memories.


    Exactly exiled. If they bothered to look, they would see that the Colts are top 3 in games lost as well. Another Rusty protoge'. But I guess since they made the playoffs, their guy must be a good coach.




  14. OK, where did they rate? I'd love to see this, give me a website. And if possible, give me the figures for the last three years.


    One year can possibly be luck, which is why I wasn't willing to blame the S&C staff in 2007 when we set a new record for IR players. But three lousy years in a row, including a new record and then breaking that record yet again ... isn't luck anymore.


    I know the Bears only had eight guys on IR, compared to 21 for the Bills.


    My "blind" assessment of Allaire is anything but blind. Again, look at the figures. Three years in a row isn't coincidence. "The ultimate benchmark is success," you say. Exactly. And success for the S&C staff involves, as perhaps the most important goal, minimizing injuries. Allaire and his staff have failed at that. Allaire is gone, so this won't be a problem anymore, luckily.


    I am not interested in looking up statistics for you. Just trying to provide some actual info as opposed to your blind speculation you like to use.. The HC had much more to do with this entire debacle than Allaire ever could.


    You also think Modrak had something to do with hiring Nix last year. You have no idea.

  15. You must have a subscription to ESPN the Magazine, they just did a story on him.



    I did see that, but that is not why. Very little chatter. Guess it could mean he is getting no consideration, but I dont know how you discuss McDermott with mentioning him.

  16. its too early to be this hammered, you do remember he chose to kick when he won an overtime coin toss, right?



    Not advocating for the guy. Though I do like an offensive minded coach. I am sure we could dig up some interesting decisions from when Bellicheck was in Cleveland.


    Just putting it out there. It has been strangely quiet on him. Even thought they were just eliminated there has been talk about McDermott.

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