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Posts posted by Nevergiveup

  1. While I wholehearted agree with you that Newton has some awesome physical ability, all those plays he made in college were against....well, college kids.... at 6'5'' 250 lbs he was bigger, stronger, faster them most of those he played against, that won't be the case in the NFL.


    The guy only played one season at Auburn, Maybin like scary- He has a very shady past with some talk about cheating on exam papers, IQ scary-He never called plays or ran plays from a huddle at Auburn, and in fact did more running then throwing-huge learning curve scary


    While Cam Newton may or may not eventually develop into a franchise QB, in all reality he is rated by most draft analysts as a mid first round pick and not a top 5 player. Only a team desperate for a QB would even think about drafting him in the top 5 IMO. Plus they would need to revamp the entire offense into a simplistic wildcat / pistol style if they want to utilize him his first year.


    Stating that last part I can understand how this kid could easily be HC Chan Gaileys dream QB to develop. I just think the poor man is over tasked as it is just being the HC without adding a bigger load to what he already needs to deal with, setting up the offensive game plans, calling plays and basically running the entire offense himself. What made Marv levy so successful as a HC in Buffalo was his ability to hire great assistants to run the offense and defense, more particularly OC Ted Marchibroba, who trained Jim Kelly to call his own plays and built that no huddle / k-gun offense, Levy was a special teams guy.


    I was not a big fitz fan at first but the guy won me over with his play against some very good playoff teams last season and I believe Chan Gailey when he states he can win with Fitz. This Buffalo Bills franchise has been in dire need of a better defense for years as I have come to loath the Tampa 2 defense under Jauron, and its inability to stop the run.


    If this Buffalo Bills team is desperate for something its a run defender-pass rusher- and some O line help as Fitz can't continue to run for his life forever. My dream scenario is Darius or Miller- Peterson or AJ Green and a ROT or TE kyle Rudolf in the 2nd



    Harvey. I agree with your assertions and I don't blame anyone for being skeptical. There has just never been a QB with his size, speed and athleticism. There really are no good comparisons to this player. Probably won't matter because he likely wont be there. Dareus or Miller will be good picks and safer. I would say though, if Buddy likes him, there must be something there.

  2. If Dareus gets picked 1 or 2, you're going to be very disappointed.



    Not only do you deliver with great info, but you have great troll radar as well. Dre is one of a several trolls we have here at tsw.



    Thanks NewEra. Love your hats.

  3. Thanks Ngu


    However I disagree with the bolded part, kinda scary to me you stated that "Newton/Darius at the top of the board", all I can do is pray that Newton goes first to Carolina....If the Bills select Darius-Miller-Peterson-AJ Green they will get a top player, future pro bowler, perhaps even a HoFer




    Newton has way to many holes and red flags...can you say another Andre Ware-Joey Harrington- David Carr-JaMarcus Russell-Ryan Leaf-Tim Couch-Matt leinart-Jack Thompson-Kelly Stouffer-Cade McNown-Jim Druckenmiller-Dan McGwire-Todd Blackledge-Akili Smith-David Klinger-Rick Mirer-Heath Shuler-Todd Marinovich-Art Schlichter


    The Bills are not desperate for a QB right now, they have a serviceable QB in Fitz....if they draft Newton at 3 this year ....then they will have to pass on Luck next year and really screw themselves outta a true franchise QB



    Harvey. Not advocating a Newton pick. However you can add all of those QB's listed together and they dont have Newtons athletic ability. Doesn't mean he will be a great QB, but that is why he is so intruiging.

  4. I don't think nobody really knows who the Bills will pick--just like last year...who actually thought the Bills would select Spiller! If you knew it was Spiller--than you are straight up lieing to yourself and others



    This guy is funny.

  5. Thanks for the news. At least they aren't wasting a pick on a defensive back. Two questions if I may.....

    1) How do you personally feel about Miller in terms of what he can contribute to this team?

    2) What is your take on Ryan Mallett?


    Thanks again. GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!



    Miller will make plays immediately. Can't lose if you end up with Miller or Dareus.


    I don't think Mallet is an option unless he falls deep into the draft. Too many off the field issues.


    NGU, thanks for the "vine"...


    Anything about Dallas trying to trade up with us for Von Miller? That's the latest rumor I've heard, and frankly, I'd rather stay where we are and take anybody rather than trading down that far.



    Cannot validate that. They would have to make a very aggressive offer.

  6. This year it looks like most of you have it figured out. Newton/Dareus at the top of the board. Unfortunately both will likely be gone as you all know. It looks like Miller or AJ Green.


    I know none of this is earth shattering. Last year there were just alot more scenarios.


    If anything changes I wil let you know. It has been entertaining watching Miller move up on most expert's boards. I am sure the AJ Green talk will pick up now.


    All 4 of these players are studs. You should be happy. Enjoy the draft!

  7. You see that stat where the Bills let up 200+ rushing yards in half of their games, and finished dead last in rush defense. That need.


    NeverGiveUp any idea on how the Bills feel about Marcel Dareus? I think he's the most versatile and intriguing DL in the draft. Just wanted to throw that out there and see if you had any scoop on the opinions of Dareus.


    FWIW, I think he's gone to the Broncos at #2, but if he happens to be there for us........Von or Marcel?




    I will get back to you on that one.


    Those of you asking NGU to 'tell your pals to pick xxxx', do you realize that his is (thankfully) a one-way transfer of information ?



    Glad you have it all figured out.

  8. Thanks for taking the time to inform some of the fan base NGU. It's greatly appreciated.

    We'll wait to see what your skinny is on the draft when it's time.


    1 question though. Do you believe Nix and the boy's have entertained trading down to gather more draft picks?


    Thanks again.


    Not yet, too early to actually consider it, but he will. There is not a scout in the world that doesn't want more picks. Especially on a team with this many needs. But I don't think it will happen. Tough to get value.

  9. Thanks for the info Nevergiveup.


    Are you getting any kind of inclination that they would like to trade up or down?



    No. But they would always be interested in more picks. So down would be most likely with this group.

  10. OT would still be the preference. Williams or Okung. Obviously pending availability. I don't believe there is another OT they would take that high. Spiller will defintely have a high first round grade and could be taken there. McClain is a real possibility. Dan Williams would be the dark horse candidate.


    If any of the top few prospects slip for any reason that can change things. But I can't imagine someone like Berry sliding.


    Barring a trade of some sort. No QB until at least the second round.


    Don't panic. You are going to get a great player either way and will finally start loading up this team with legitimate NFL talent.


    Now the local and national writers can change their draft precitions.


    I hope this helps.

  11. NGU: any word on the team's general opinion of Marshawn Lynch (both front office and locker room)? A lot of people indicate that his act is wearing thin at OBD, while others cite the need for a couple of talented backs. Would they move him if a substantial offer came about, or is that just too unlikely at a sell-low moment?



    I think they would definitely move him if they can. If not, you will find out everything you need to know in OTA's. Clearly talented, but zero work ethic. He has been getting by soley on talent. If he comes to work and puts in the time you could still have a very good player. That was not happening when Jauron was running the show. I don't see him changing, but it would great if I was wrong. If they don't move him, I think this one will quickly come to a head with the new staff.


    This goes back to why you don't want to feel like you are stuck drafting a need. It was no secret he was a risk, but they let the need trump everything else.

  12. MB...It's a need and relatively deep position in the draft. Just happens to line up for them this year. For the most part this group will draft best available. Which is what they need to do for a couple of years at least.

  13. Thanks for the info. Question about Edwards. Didn't he lose the team last year? I know there is a new staff but seemed like they all lost confidence in him.



    Definitely still well liked and respected by the players. That won't be a problem. No one could have performed well under those circumstances last year. I know it will be painful for people, but it will be interesting to see if Gailey can do anything with him.


    There will have to be another QB on the roster. I just don't have enough info to tell you if it will be a vet or a draft pick.

  14. All...


    Don't have much, but I hate to leave everyone hanging.


    It will not be Clausen at 9. Bradford is the only QB that they would take there and he will obviously be gone. I guess they could always take him later in the draft. There is interest in McNabb, but the new regime places such a high value on draft picks, it is not likely to happen. OT is still the leader in the club house for the pick.


    I don't like to make predictions, I would rather give information. However since I have been asked, I think Trent is your likely starter next year. That is just based on some things I have heard and my knowledge of the situation. However as many have pointed out, it is way too early for any type of certainty.

  15. NEVERGIVEUP should have his own pinned thread. No one has more information than this guy, and while the news hasn't always been popular, it's always been accurate. YE OLE believes he speaks for the masses when he says there would be great benefit to having a permanent, consolidated source of information from the man, the myth, the legend: NEVERGIVEUP



    Happy to contribute CF. Glad the Spiller info was out in front for the board. I will try to get to some of these other questions at some point. If I don't respond, it just means I don't have anything worth passing along. There is enough speculation here for everyone.

  16. Surprised if Schobel stays means you expect him to retire or get traded?


    Neither one would surprise. Of course they would love to get something for him. I am not sure about retirement. He is enough of a malcontent to retire, but he is also is on the frugal side. That makes for a tough call.

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