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Posts posted by Nevergiveup

  1. Coach, I hate to break it to you, but the Bills are a team that needs another CB (unfortunately). Their stable isn't very good, and Florence, who was pretty decent last year, isn't under contract.



    I wanted to confirm this for you Dave. I just didn't think it would have been appropriate at the time. Good call.

  2. NGU- My wishlist:


    1-Brooks Reed

    2- Ayers

    3 Kyle Rudolph

    4- Houston



    Any chance I'm happy with our pick?



    All. I don't feel comfortable giving my opinion of this pick considering the Pats are going first and the potential for trade activity because of the time lapse between rounds. However I don't think it will from this list.


    Sorry guys. Enjoy tonight. I will check in later.

  3. Surely there are all kinds of erroneous reports coming from reporters and inside sources, especially around draft time. And while it is against the law for a doctor to release that information, most of the time it would come from someone inside OBD who was in a meeting where the doctor report was discussed. That person could easily have direct knowledge and give that knowledge to a reporter or friend, etc.


    I would not automatically assume the report, as written, was true though. Maybe they are, as NGU said, trying to help the kid out. Maybe it's b.s.. Maybe it's true. I was just asking for a clarification from a great poster here who clearly has a solid source for his info.



    It was a fair question KFBD. If McGahee was cleared in some way and drafted anything is possible.

  4. Thx NGU, I couldn't wait to check here after my lunch to see if you've added any insight to today's rounds. I am hoping for LB help to be honest, especially the Wilson kid.


    Any chance the Bills give a date for the jersey unveiling now that EA has leaked them? It was weird giving Marcel an "old" #1 jersey last nite.




    Not sure about that one. That should be a pretty easy thing to anticipate that it would get get out in that way. Not the first time it has happened. Just be happy that the football department is better than the marketing department.

  5. Thanks again for the updates, NGU. I have a question though. I am sure I have read, and saw it re-posted, that the Bills doctors did indeed clear Bowers 100% after his visit to OBD. Wouldn't that be in opposition to "they likely have a medical on Bowers and will not take him."?



    I could be wrong Kelly. I would just be really surprised. Especially that high. Maybe they were just trying to help the kid out. You guys would probably know better if any team has publically stated that they do have a medical on him. That doesn't happen too often.

  6. NGU, you're the man. We really appreciate you coming here.


    I'm anxious and concerned they've got a cornerback in their sights at 34 - can you talk me off of the ledge??



    I will try to give you a short list of what I think a little later. No matter what, they go best available. So anyone they take that high probably will have a first round grade. That would be good no matter what position.

  7. I am not clear on what you are saying in regards to Mallet...are you saying that there is actual info that leads you to believe the Bills wont draft Mallet or that it is just your opinion based on his character issues and not something you actually heard from sources, just agreeing with some other posters opinion?


    Just curious as I actually am hoping for us to take a chance on him as I think he has a much higher ceiling than any QB in this draft.




    Just my humble opinion based on what I know about Mallet. For whatever that is worth.

  8. NGU,


    Thanks for the update.....question. How are they feeling about Andy Dalton? I know he was rising up the draft boards and there was a chance to be chosen in the 1st round......but he is sitting there in the 2nd.



    I am not sure about Dalton. But I would be very surprised if they take QB there.

  9. Bump.


    NGU, any information you can share for tonight's two rounds? Is Bowers in the conversation at #34? Martez Wilson? Any remaining QB's? Any info about the new jerseys you can share (public announcement with players showing them off)?


    We really appreciate your insight.



    They likely have a medical on Bowers and will not take him. That would be a reversal of protocal for the team. I guess there is an outside shot if he really drops into the late rounds.


    Somebody here said they won't take Mallett and they are probably right. He has some serious character issues.


    I will try to jump back in here before tonight.

  10. "Ruin" the thread? Hilarious. It's a friggin' message board. I like a good "scoop" as much as the next guy, but at the end of the day, who the hell cares? By 8:30 tonight we'll know who the pick is. Will it make someone feel better that they knew it ahead of time?


    Too funny.


    P.S. Nevergiveup, I think it's a blast that you visit to impart your inside knowledge. It's even better watching everyone else go ape**** over it. :)



    Thanks. I like to pass on information. Primarily because, even when you disagree, this has to be the most passionate group of Bills fans anywhere. I have some legitimate insight and will continue to post when appropriate. But I can be wrong. So all the debate is warranted. No matter where this goes tonight, I will pass along any post draft info that I can as well. Enjoy the draft!

  11. NGU Thanks for all the information. I know we ask a lot on this board, but when all is said and done tonight any chance on getting some insight on who the 34th pick maybe? Thanks again for all you do.



    That is just too much of a wild card. The projections that you see that go that deep are not very accurate.

  12. NGU, thanks again for your insight into the draft process for the Bills. Just for fun (and you don't have to answer), but how do you see the first three picks of the draft turning out. Obvisouly this means you have to guess who Carolina and Denver take. I understand this is nearly impossible to do because you don't have insider knowledge of those teams, but I'd enjoy your thoughts nonthless becuase you know more about how front offices work than anyone else on this board. (myself included). Thanks again for taking the time do do this!



    Ryan. I am not positive. All signs point to Newton and Dareus going 1 and 2. But that is not exactly inside information. Carolina knows who they are going to pick and has for sometime. There is no vasilating going on. The comment about having 4 players on the board is pretty funny and simply to see if someone will move up. If that is the case it is likely Miller or Green for the Bills.


    I hesitate to pass this on, but there is some Fairly talk. But it is not as specific as the other information, so I don't want to throw the board into a panic. Might just be becauuse he is well regarded. I also don't like being so nebulous. Sorry all. Some years things are just more readily available and apparent.

  13. That is awesome news, thank you for that info Ngu and always appreciate your valued insight into the inner workings at OBD



    On the last comment, I saw the difference in photos of Maybin pre-combine and at the combine, the kid put on 20lbs of muscle and looked like he had just completed the PX90 program. although he ran a 4.85 at the combine, he ran a much improved 4.59 at his pro day 40.vert leap and Broad Jumped 10' 9'' At 6'4 250 lbs he is very close to Cam Newton physically, BTW Newton ran a 4.58- 4.59 at the combine.... kinda eerily similar




    My comparison between the two players was based on how much of a project they both are concerning their abilities to develop into NFL starters, Maybin had a huge learning curve to get thru and still hasn't progressed. Newton's learning curve is much much higher and tougher as an NFL QB he will need to eventually throw from the pocket, read defenses, call protections, learn the verbiage, call alerts et al. The simple fact that he was caught cheating on his exams 3x at Fla makes me think this kid is going to have trouble making the transition into the NFL.



    I hear you Harvey. You should have concerns about Newton's character. However every one of the top 5 players has something to be concerned about from their past. Some are just more publicized than others.


    Definitely not on board with the Maybin/Newton comparison. Maybin's issues are not based on a learning curve to play DE. It is work ethic and athletic ability. I am sure you can see how stiff Maybin is. That is defintely not Newton. If there were not so many intangibles with the QB position, he would be an easy choice.



  14. Dear Delusional,


    You seen to be under the impression that NGU is actually Buddy Nix. In fact, he is a poster who is kind enough to stop in at this board and provide us with insights that we would otherwise not be privy to. Why, in your pathetic need to somehow show off to board full of strangers, you have chosen to act as if picking an argument with NGU will change the Bills' draft process, I will never understand (being a person of sound mind myself). Personally, I don't care much for Newton as a person, but I don't see how screaming about it online will make a difference, nor am I foolish enough to think anyone here really cares about my feelings. Please grow up and learn to shut your mouth. Your slurry of unsolicited aggressive responses lessens other peoples' ability to enjoy the board.



    To NGU:


    What I would like to hear from NGU is if he has any ideas about the 2nd and 3rd rds of the draft. Has the brass considered that if we go Miller/Dareus in the 1st rd, we would use he 2nd pick for a TE like Rudolph or another QB they like (I like Kaepernick, but that's irrelevant), or is that really not on their radar? Thanks for your time. Always glad to see you post.




    I really don't, but it doesn't/shouldn't work that way. They are always aware of needs, but Buddy will simply stick to his board. Not that there can't be a tie between players, but it doesn't happen that often. There are so many holes currently that the team can go best available in every round. At the end of the draft they will fill in any glaring gaps with undrafted players.

  15. And to expand on that even more, can you tell me if I'm "hot" or "cold" when I predict that the Bills will try to trade into the end of Round 1 to take Kaepernick (and that the Ponder Love is a smokescreen)?



    Coach. I don't know for sure. But I believe they would be happy with either one if the draft takes them that way.

  16. Hey Harvey Lives, are you bored or something? Do you have nothing else to do aside from rehashing boring arguments? NGU came on to give insight, not to argue with some guy who just wants to argue (aggressively) for the sake of arguing.


    BTW, comparing a DE prospect to a QB prospect is silly.



    Thanks U. He is of course entitled to his opinion. I am just trying to give him some additional insight. Not trying to change his mind. There are clearly varying positions on Newton and with good reason. I do not agree though that the comparisons to Maybin are appropriate. He is so unique physically for his position, I go back to there not being any really good parallels.

  17. You didn't post a link.... figures. You don't really look at mock drafts do you. Most of the draft experts like Kiper that have Newton graded as a mid first round pick also have him being drafted #1 overall by Carolina because they are desperate!

    if he goes in the top 3 its because the team that drafts him that high either has bad talent evaluators-HC-GM, they are outright desperate for a QB, they want to sell tickets or all three.



    How exactly is Maybin an awful comparison, he was a one year wonder at Penn St just like Newton was at Auburn. Maybin had only one great ability and that was his burst off the line and running the arc, the kid has speed which you can't teach and he put on 20 lbs of muscle from the end of the season to the combine. Everything he did up to the draft was all the right moves, saying the right things and talking the talk. I'd say Maybin is a perfect example of a team reaching for a project because of his great physical ability. Maybin needed to learn more then his one move in pass rushing, he needed to learn cover skills to play OLB. He was drafted because he was thought to be a great pass rusher, so far after 2 years he has zero sacks.


    Maybin was actually a much better prospect because he had a much cleaner background, he doesn't have any character issues like Newton has. Some GM's have openly stated they don't even have Newton on their draft board because of his character issues.



    Maybin was a reach by a head coach deperate for a pass rusher. Buddy Nix will not draft a player based soley on need or to sell tickets. You should be happy about that. Everyone is capable of missing on a player. But Nix will only go by his evaluation.


    Maybin may have had a clean record, but there is no comparison from an ability standpoint. Newton would probably be a better defensive end than Maybin if they lined him up there tomorrow.

  18. the example is indicative of his behavior. what is the best way to predict future behavior? examine and analyze past behaviors. he took that xbox just like he took the bribes to attend colleges just like he took the women's you know whats at the recruiting parties thrown by auburn alums. cam is selfish, greedy and a liar.



    Which example is indicative of future behavior? The stealing of the Xbox or the championship ring?


    Guys: can we keep this thread to thanking NGU and asking him for more info (I'm just as guilty for violating this rule)? Keep the Newton debate elsewhere. NGU is just the messenger, and we're lucky to have him.



    Thanks Coach. Not providing an opinion on him. Just trying to add some perspective. I will check back tomorrow if I have any additional info.

  19. they've trashed him too. one example: he took one of their xbox's (ya know, cuz he can..he is cam newton, he gets what he wants no matter what the rules are) and now that teammate is talking. nawrocki got some of his info from the auburn teammates/coaches etc.



    That is probably true 3. But I would trade an Xbox for an National Championship ring.

  20. If he comes across as phony in an interview hows he going to look to the men hes supposed to be leading?



    Cap. All the concerns about Newton might be accurate. But believe me, sometimes the cons are the ones that come across great in the interviews.

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