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Everything posted by sharebear

  1. Absolutly I would, yeah were givin up our @nd and possibly more but you can't not want a franchise T for the next 5-10 years
  2. I actually really like the draft, besides gilmore first pick (which i wouldnt hate)just don't know how much of a sure thing he is at CB, I loooooove the david/noorman/mccants/potter/wilson picks and i really hope they all end up on this team (doubtful I know) but we almost have indentical mock drafts, I picked floyd first but almost the same
  3. ?? I see a shirt...
  4. So much hate for decastro the most gaurented player in the draft lol Wood gets injured every year as does half our oline, wheres the depth when wood goes down? oh wait we dont have any.. decastro can play C if need be too, anyone else forget both wood an levs contract is up this year? were not gonna be able to resign both.. so im leaning towards more now to pick castro. Why not have a pro bowl OL for at least the next 5 years? He could start day 1 if wanted to or fill a void if someone gets injured. At this point it has to be floyd/blackmon claiborne/kahil and if none of them are there then pick decastro IMO
  5. I can't see mcnutt coming into the nfl and starting let alone starting next to stevie, I see him more as a slot or 4th receiver in the nfl, just doesnt have enough speed
  6. So are you sayin we draft DL?
  7. If your happy with easly who hasn't played at all and jones and the rest of our mediocre WR's then thats your opinion but IMO WR is the biggest need. Not going after bell as hard or giving him as much money as the eagles offerd is tellin me there happy with our oline as it is. Even when our oline was healthy at the begining of the year we still rarely got deep ball passes. That's because besides stevie and nelson (sometimes) our WR's can't get seperation or go up and get a jump ball or catch a ball thrown behind them like fitz likes to do so much. That's where floyd or blackmon comes in. And for everyone saying wait for round 2 or 3 for a WR like I said in my first post 9-10 of the first teams that pick in round 2 need a WR. Floyd blackmon kendal and possibly hill will be gone in the 1st. We could end up getting screwed on a no.2 WR all together
  8. Let me start off by saying that besides kahlil falling or picking decastro I don't see a T worth the 10th pick. Now iv been reading and watching about how deep the WR class is the year and I agree.. sorta.. If you go to espn.com/nfl/draft and watch the new fallin into place video with mccshay he talks about how 3-4 WRs will no doubt go round 1, and the fact that the first 9 out of 10 teams in the 2nd round have a glaring need at WR also, So if we don't go WR first, I can see us getting screwed on trying to get a true no 2 receiver, which is why I think its a prioriety to go WR first
  9. If that means no floyd then it also means no reiff!! woohoo!!
  10. appa st? really? id rather have someone whos played aginst real competition, and still not sold on rieff, we can get better sleeper oline men later in the draft, we should go WR or defense first
  11. I really hope buddy feels the same as we all do, there's just something about picking reiff or martin first that makes my skin crawl.
  12. Floyd is the bestWR option we can go. Honestly him Blackmon wright and hill will be gone in the first, and I'm sure Jeffery and sanu will be gone in the third. So can we really afford to wait for one? I don't like that idea. What if we get stuck with someone else not in the 2nd tier league? We need a true no.2 not a development receiver. If Floyds there I say take him so we don't end up sorry with some no name WR
  13. Hahahahaha aha I had to lol at this one. Reiff better than bell??? He's never played a down in the NFL! Wow some of the people on this board... I tell ya... I'm glad most of you reiff guys arent our GM cause you would be ruining the team. Seriously reiff is garbage. At BEST he's a rt. I don't even see him STARTINGat rt. Just look at all the EXPERTS and what there saying about him. Also his name just reeeeeeeaks of bust. Reiff leaf? Jk but seriously come on guys. And for all this not Floyd we can take a receiver in later rounds. Oh yeah besides stevie that's worked out really good the past couple years. If you want good receiver you draft them early. 2 best WR prospects in this years draft are Blackmon and Floyd. After that the quality of WRs dips very low and then there's about 4 or 5 decent receivers and then another big drop off. So you guys wanna wait til the 3rd or 4th to draft our no. 2 receiver??? Lololol first of all receivers are gonnna go quick and hard in this draft. It isn't is deep as everyone thinks. After Floyd you got wright and hill, who will both be gone in the first, then sanu and Jeffery who will be gone in the 2nd. So what... Pur number 2 WR is gonna be mcnutt? No thank you. I want a true no.2 receiver not a project receiver that may or may not EVER develope. If we want a true play maker/impact player we go Floyd,Gilmore,kueckly, or decastro simple as that. Why pick reiff when there's better LT prospects like glenn or potter. I'm not trying to bash on anyone's opinions but this reiff is an option at 10 has got to stop. Mark my words it's not gonna happen and if it does buddy will lose all my respect been after what he's done this offseason but I can't see him reaching that far to grab a RT at best
  14. That's why I made it I can't remember the last time I was this excited coming into the draft/offseason. I really hope we get 2 of these guys, after hearing all of your input just got me MORE excited
  15. man made drugs aka alchohol and cigs are alot worse than marijuana
  16. Love your mock draft mines almost identical, except I have us pickin russel wilson 6th round and blair walsh the kicker from Georgia 7th, imo would be the perfect draft class
  17. Reason I bring it up is I wanted kueckly first but now i look at it. We could go floyd or gilmore first, and still get a really good LB in the 2nd. Iv seen a couple mocks of us pickin kennan robinson/ronnell lewis.. how are these 2? If we get at least 1 linebacker that can lay big hits ill be happy
  18. havent heard much on wagner, sounds pretty good is he a big hitter? Also forgot to add lavonte david in the mix been hearin about him alot. Which of these guys would you want to see the bills draft?
  19. I see alot of kuechly talk, what about the other prospects? Like zach brown, bruce irvin, keeanan robinson, donta hightower, ronnell lewis.. I havent seen much tape/discussion on these guys and would like to get some input from everyone if they have any on these guys. I think the bills HAVE to come away with a power linebacker. Someone who can make BIG hits and cause fear and turn overs, are any of these guys really big hitters? Also they have to be able to cover somewhat imo, but we need some force to be there at the LB position
  20. Does anybody think we can get fleener in the 2nd round? or trade down and pick decastro and hopefully land fleener? If we can somehow get him 2nd pick it will be a good draft year regardless, I have a feeling hes gonna be big at TE
  21. At this point it has to be kue floyd decastro or gilmore.. Martin and reiff arnt ready to come in an start at LT.. or RT for the matter, so we really don't need that. We can find potential starters or depth later in the draft. If we take one of those 4 I said there all play makers which is what we need
  22. I loled at this one. He put up excellent numbers at the combine and is still hands down the best shutdown corner in the draft. If he falls to 10... which he won't. Then we pick him up regardless
  23. Best player available how do you have us picking a guard first then 3 straight tackles?? I like decastro but come on lol 3I straight tackles... never... we also need a true no.2 receiver LB an CB depth ans that would hinder it alot
  24. Well everyone knock on Floyd is off the field stuff and injurys. Although he was only injured for a couple game each in his first two years. He didn't get injured once after that and actually stepped his game up by gettin 79 catches jr year and 100 his senior year. His sophomore year he got injured for 5 games and still got 9 touchdowns and 800 yards which is amazing for only playing in 7 games
  25. He really has us picking a QB in round 2? I can't see that happining
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