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Everything posted by BuffaloFan68

  1. Orton has been playing terrible for weeks & doesn't deserve to start.
  2. Our QB coach is terrible - look at what he did with Stafford last year.
  3. Might as well as leave Orton in CA. Time to find out what we have with EJ. If EJ lights it up against NE, we will all be thinking he should have played sooner.
  4. Cutler is a team poison 💀 - don't want him anywhere near Buffalo. Send him to the Jets, now there is a match made.
  5. I wouldn't touch Cutler with a 10' pole. He is a headcase & I wouldn't let him on the team even if it was for free.
  6. I say we keep CJ & then bring Chan back as OC.
  7. Cutler, shouldn't you be back in NJ teaching Geno how to throw a spiral?
  8. Don't want him thanks. Send him to the Jets.
  9. I'm fine with keeping Marrone if we win out but, 1) Orton should Not be a starting QB. 2) our QB coach has to go! & 3) we need to keep players like Hughes, Dareus & CJ. I pray Kiko can come back & still perform like he used to.
  10. That's it - Blue on blue for the rest of the year!
  11. Orton played terrible today and didn't deserve to finish the game. The coach is spineless for not making a change.
  12. I really like the blue on blue uniforms, they may look better with red helmets though.
  13. The ref should read the rule book & own up to his mistake. Good for the coach for not just rolling over. There is enough in the world that just isn't right. We need to make things right when we can.
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