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Everything posted by BuffaloFan68

  1. Every QB that worked with that QB coach regressed including Stafford. Orton was down right terrible by the end of the season.
  2. I received a flyer in the mail for Redskin season tickets starting at just $79./ game & seat.
  3. Met Marv before a game, when he was GM - cool dude! My fav though is Sam Cowart, he's a totally cool & down to earth guy that would give you the shirt off his back if he thought it might help you.
  4. I say suspend him for at least 4 games & may the Cheatriots never make the playoffs again for at least 20 years.
  5. My father boxed for a while and so did I when young. He taught me that unless you're in the ring or cornered, you never hit anyone. Use your brain & leave. The only exception is when you help someone in trouble.
  6. If Brady doesn't like the appeal result & wants to take it to court then I would suspend him until the trail is complete or indefinitely based on the court ruling.
  7. I'd love to hear, "after thorough review & consideration, we agree that the punishment doesn't match the issues at hand so we are changing the 4 week suspension from 4 weeks to......... 8! Send a message to cheaters that if they appeal, it can go either way.
  8. Justice = after further review and consideration, they increase his suspension to 8 games.
  9. Heck with that, I say we set a new record of most sacks in a season with 78. I figure about 8 in week 2 against the cheatriots.
  10. I'll never forget the day that Dareus fell to us in the draft. I was so stoked!!! & still feel blessed about it.
  11. Rodgers Luck Flacco Newton Stafford Ryan Verdict is still out on EJ & others.
  12. I don't see Cam on the list. I thought he did well under pressure for the most part.
  13. How about Watkins, Woods & Harvin wide with Hogan in the slot? ... ...or we could add Goodwin & just go 5 wide & spread the D out.
  14. Indy is a much improved team, much like us. I predict we will meet them again in the playoffs.
  15. EJ clearly performs well during 2 minute drills. If the first option was there, he got the ball out quickly but if not then he quickly scanned options 2 & 3, sometimes hitting option 2 & sometimes 3 depending on who was more open. I like when he looked at options 2 then 3 & then delivered to option 2. We need him to be consistent.
  16. I still say we win 10 plus game & make the playoffs. AFC - Indy vs Buffalo NFC - Philly vs Green Bay
  17. Thanks to the Pegs we should have a Lombardi trophy & a Stanley cup within the next 3 years. Let's Go Buffalo!!!!! Time to bring The Buffalo Braves back.
  18. My understanding is that there is evidence that the cheating had been going on all year and most likely even years prior. A former ex-AFC East player that wishes to remain anonymous, said that they had complained to officials years prior, about the Pats using under-deflated balls but nothing was ever done about it. They were afraid if they made a big deal about it, the refs would retaliate, so they just accepted it.
  19. Babcock was my first choice followed by McClellan & then Bylsma. My early prediction for the Bills is that we will lose the first game to Indy & then beat the Pats in week 2 to start of a nice winning streak on our way to taking the division.
  20. 1) Tailgating before the game getting pumped up. 2) The energy in the stadium, especially after a Bills TD.
  21. My brother-in-law is a big Eagles fan & knew about the Kiko/McCoy trade but had know idea we got Harvin & Clay.
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