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Everything posted by BuffaloFan68

  1. I say we need to find a way to get Cook & then draft the biggest/nastiest LB out there.
  2. That in-advert ant whistle gave NE 3 points but not much about that. The whistle was blown before the pass, not before - therefore the play should have been replayed from the original LOS.
  3. So they are saying if you go out of bounds back first - the clock doesn't stop. You have to go out of bounds face first. Have you ever heard of any such rule
  4. They say how NE was wronged - but we were wronged more. The penalty was while the ball was in the air
  5. They keep slamming Sammy in the back - next time he should dive for the flag.
  6. I agree - it looked like a missed flag for the hit on our kicker
  7. Dumb is rushing 3 or 4 & letting Brady pick you apart all night. Smart is getting after Brady so he doesn't have a chance.
  8. Couldn't agree more, if the game is held to just 3 Bad calls in favor of NE* we will be lucky. They constantly get away with holding, hands to the face, illegal formations, illegal contact, etc... Just to name a few. Someone posted on another thread that there were something like 13 missed obvious calls (mostly holding) against Jerry Hughes alone the last time we played them.
  9. How sweet it will be when the Giants win this weekend and then we win next Monday night.
  10. So after NE looses to the Giants & then to us on Monday night can we start about taking the division again?
  11. I think out first 2 selections should be QB & LB in 1 order or the other.
  12. Chan Gailey & Fitz both know how to shred Rex Ryan D. Question is - can Greg Roman shred their D as much or more?
  13. I still don't understand why Karlos dropped so far in the draft. I was mad we didn't take him earlier. Another great job by Whaley.
  14. Keeping Woods is a no-brainer. He has great hands & intense passion for the game.
  15. If we get any chance to take Cook, we need to jump on it.
  16. I might go as high as a 6th rnd pick for him. Key word, "might".
  17. One can only imagine the meeting between Rex & Jim Schwartz: Rex "Jim, I want to drop our linemen back into coverage" Jim "Hahahaha, that is so stupid it is hilarious, you gotta be kidding". Rex, "You're fired".
  18. All we need now is a Head Coach and a good Defensive Coordinator.
  19. I'd like to bring Schwartz back for the D and then draft Conner Cook and a big LB to cover Gronk.
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