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Everything posted by BuffaloFan68

  1. QB doesn't matter when you don't have good coaches in place - & we don't.
  2. Just like the rest of the defense - following Rex's outdated scheme.
  3. By the Jacksonville game I had seen enough to know that Rex won't take this team anywhere but down. Until we get a good HC & DC we are just wasting time.
  4. Said it before & I'll say it again, Keep Whaley & fire Rex. 6 - 10 here we come. We might beat Dallas since they're a mess right now but I wouldn't put money on it.
  5. Schwartz put a scheme in place to utilize our player's strengths while Rex is still trying to fit a square peg in a round hole.
  6. Between watching Rex as HC for the Jets & what I've seen of him so far this year, I was ready to fire him after the Jags game. I know we should at least give him until the bye-week next year but I'm just curious if the rest of this years game will sway any other fans opinion - for example if we loose out these next 3 games, should we still keep Rex going into next year?
  7. They should change it to the NFE as in the WWE, the refs control the outcome on to many games. It's a joke.
  8. How about we bring Schwartz in as HC & ship Rex off to Miami so we can continue to sweep the dolphins?
  9. The old Bills would draft a RB in the first round & then trade Shady for a 4th round pick.
  10. Can't blame Whaley for the stupid plays the coaching staff has our team running.
  11. I would keep most of the coaching staff, especially Roman. I would hire Jim Schwartz as Asst HC & DC and get rid of Thurman. Rex lost me when the Bills lost to the Jags. If Rex puts up a fit against brining Schartz in, then I would show Rex the door. In my opinion we lost 2 games to poor coaching alone and 3 to the poor zebra work. That's 5 games that we should have won, but we can only do something about our coaching - can't really do much about the refs. League is seriously broken in my book and I'm getting ready to give up professional sports all together if the calls don't improve soon.
  12. I think he will be here next year with a restructured deal.
  13. D was terrible. Need to bring JS back. Tyrod looked good but not great - missed a wide open Watkins in the endzone for the 2 pt conversion.
  14. Shoot, if we're giving Rex a 2nd chance at HC, we might as well as give Shwartz a 2nd chance too.
  15. Bottom line is Rex has proven that he has no business being a HC in the NFL. Talks a good game but has proven he can't get the job done. NEXT.....
  16. I'm going to the Houston game next week but I'll be routing for the Texans and for the Bills to loose out so that we will have a better chance of drafting Cook. Rex makes our last coach look great, what was that guys name again..... LOL
  17. I'm glad I didn't get season tickets until Rex proved himself. I'll reconsider after we get a decent c oaching staff.
  18. No pressure on Alex Smith today. They ran all over us. Rex should be fired. Bring in Popeye or the Chin. Keep Roman.
  19. Rex lost us the game today. Rex owes the entire organization and fan base a huge apology for this season.
  20. Where is the Stache these days? Rex should go work with him.
  21. The play calling and mismanagement of this coaching staff is unacceptable. We need a QB, LBs, and now a new D-line. Mario looks skinny and pathetic, Hughes just racks up penalties, Kyle Williams is hurt and possibly past his prime, Dareus takes plays off, etc... We had one of the best Ds in the NFL but wasted it on sub standard coaching. I'm giving Roman a pass since we don't seem to have a play-off caliber QB.
  22. Only thing to look forward to now is to loose out to try to draft Cook. I would bring Jim Shwartz back as DC and if Rex doesn't like that then he can pack his bags too. Rex is all talk and hasn't done anything as a head coach in years. NEXT
  23. Rex is all talk and should have been fired after the Jacksonville game. This organization makes bad move after bad move. The only light at the end of the long - long tunnel is Whaley bringing in talent - the rest of the organization is a waste of time & money.
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