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Everything posted by BuffaloFan68

  1. If we would have kept Schwartz instead of hire Rex - we would have made the play-offs last year
  2. Tell me what Rex has done to address the QB play? Anything? Fire him and send him packing with TT.
  3. I'm willing to bet the Steelers score at least 28 against us. Tyrod can't even sniff that.
  4. I don't know what Brandon does but whoever runs the marketing department needs to be fired. Why is it that I can find NFL merchandise for every team but the Bills?
  5. If Rex doesn't have the stones to bench a non-performing QB then he needs to be fired. Please Rex, PLEASE - bench Tyrod!!!!!!!!!!! The team has quit on TT. They don't want him out there and if the management/coaching staff can't see that then some serious heads need to roll.
  6. Team is pathetic. Rex should be fired if he still billeves this team can win with TT.
  7. It's not even half time and I'm ready to bench TT. If Rex can't pull the trigger then he doesn't have what it takes to be a head coach and he should be sent packing as well. If we are still in the play off hunt then a Head Coach needs to coach like it or be GONE!
  8. I hope I'm wrong here. Went back the past couple of days and re-watched the last couple of games and the more I focus on QB play, the worse Tyrod looks. I hope he proves me wrong but based on the last couple of games, if Tyrod really shows what he has, we will get blown out today. I really hope he proves me wrong today and shows like a legit franchise QB. If/when Tyrod plays poorly, I only hope that our coaching staff has the stones to pull him. Go Bills!!!!!
  9. To Fan In San Diego , "Lets not forget that TT has had scrub receivers to work with most of the year. Once Watkins and Woods are out of the lineup it's a long drop off to the next level of our WR's. I would give TT another year and bring in a RT and two more decent WR's for TT to throw to.​" This is absolutely not true. If this was the case then Tyrod would still be doing his job of actually throwing the ball and the so called non-performing receivers would be dropping those passes but Tyrod doesn't even throw the ball most times even though he has open receivers play after play. When he does pass, his accuracy, as many here on this website have noted, has gotten worse. If/when we get behind, it has become more apparent that we need an actual QB in the game and at this point, while I feel that Tyrod is a better football player, it seems as though EJ is actually the better QB and I would rather have EJ in the game at QB with a chance to comeback to win. Go Bills!!!!!
  10. If Tyrod plays like he has the last 2 games, I would bench him at halftime & for the rest of the year & not pick up his contract. If he can play decent enough for us to win out then & only then do I keep him next year.
  11. Based upon Tyrod's performance this year, makes EJ the better value dollar for dollar. I don't think our record would be any worse than it is now.
  12. I would have Tyrod on a short rope - if he playing as poor as he has the last couple of weeks, I would bench him at half time. If Tyrod doesn't show drastic improvement between now and the end of the year he may be the one leaving Buffalo and EJ re-signed.
  13. My prediction is that Tyrod will not finish the Steelers game.
  14. We never should have gone away from the 4/3. Been saying and still billieve that if we would have made Schwartz the head coach, we would have been in the playoffs last year. Just saying - Rex and his "scheme" are outdated. Go Bills.
  15. As much as I'd like to see 10 wins, I just don't see this team beating the Stealers unless we bench Tyrod. My current prediction is that we'll loose to the Stealers and then win out after that to give us cloudy hope for next year. Just for the record, I still like the 4/3 D better. Go Bills! ! ! ! !
  16. If we had a decent QB we would have most likely won yesterday.
  17. We all new that EJ was a project when we drafted him and we had to throw him in before he was ready - I would see where he's at before we cut him loose. If he plays as bad as Tyrod then I would go with Cardale.
  18. My prediction is that the Stealers will crush us and then we will win the remaining 3 games. I'd still like to see what EJ can do.
  19. I would give Tyrod the Pittsburg game to prove that he has what it takes and if he starts missing open receivers again, then I put EJ in to see where he's at for the next 2 games. If EJ doesn't look like he has it, then go to Cardale for the rest of the season. Go Bills - find that QB.
  20. White has to go. We need a real QB, & Ragland - then we'll be all set.
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