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Everything posted by BuffaloFan68

  1. Next Head Coach for the LA Rams - Rex Ryan
  2. Said it before & I'll say it again, I'll take a QB that throws picks but can put up 300 plus yards and bring you back from any point over the Trentative style we've had.
  3. Time to bring in Chuckie or the the Chin & send the Ryan Bros to LA.
  4. 1) Tyrod (will consider keeping for back-up if price is right) 2) Rex (team has regressed continually under his time here) 3) Brandon (why can't I find Bills merchandise anywhere) 4) Whaley - keep around, seems to be doing an above average job.
  5. Rex said the D was close to being the best when he was hired - nothing but regression. NEXT Go Bills
  6. If the Bills lose another game this year it will seal the fate of the Ryan brothers. I was really hoping they would get us into the playoffs but this team is regressing in just about every way. Looks like the players quit on the team during the Steeler's game. Hughes will be back in Buffalo next year, Rob Ryan not so much. We need a new HC and QB then we should be all set to make the playoffs. Go Bills.
  7. I have logged many hours in there eating "Buffalo platters" and cheering the Bills on. May he find an even better location closer to MD. Go Bills
  8. We could have Rex Ryan as a HC and Tyrod Taylor at QB and still beat Cleveland. I hope Tryod is benched for the rest of the year. Just saying.
  9. The team quit - how does the coach NOT get fired? At a home game even! The only way Rex doesn't get canned today is if he agrees to bench TT.
  10. Step 1 - Bench TT, he has regressed and shown that he is NOT the QB for us. This needs to happen immediately. Step 2 - New HC and a new Def Coordinator that utilized an attacking 4/3 D. Based upon Rex's willingness for step 1 above will determine how soon this needs to happen. If he insists on playing TT then Rex needs to be fired immediately.
  11. It would be interesting to being in The Chin or Popeye. Then again I wouldn't mind Jim Schwartz or Wade at this point. I still hope we can keep our Offensive coaching staff in place. If Rex insists on playing Tyrod then I would fire him this morning. If he's on board with not starting Tyrod at QB then I let him finish the year out. Yes, it's that simple. Whaley has done a pretty good job at GM, if we were to let him go, his phone would blow-up with offers. Rex on the other hand will have to try to go back to being a DC and his HC days are over.
  12. I agree with Old School - "I don't have a problem with Ryan staying but he would need to get a different QB. I think competent QB play this year would have some more wins and the bills squarely in the playoffs. So I wouldn't mind seeing what Rex could do with a competent QB but it seems Rex is stuck on having Tyrod as his QB. If he wouldn't budge from Tyrod then, see ya later Rex." I haven't missed a Bills game in over 30 years but if Rex is still the head coach and Tyrod is still the starting QB then I'm done until one of them is gone (they better bench TT). I highly recommend starting EJ next week as I feel we still don't know how he's developed but Tyrod has regressed this year and is painful to watch him not throw the ball. As I've said before, I'm fine with a QB that throws picks as long as I know he has the ability to rack up 300+ yrds and a chance to win the game at almost any time aka Jim Kelly or Big Ben. Just throw the dang ball already. We most likely would have been in the playoffs last year if we had promoted Jim Schwartz to HC instead of hiring this circus crew. Rex is starting to remind me of Trump, 1) your never know what he'll say next, 2) you can never believe a word he says & 3) somewhat entertaining with what he say's Go Bills!!!!!
  13. We should try to trade Tyrod to Miami for a second round draft pick.
  14. I will take a QB that throws picks as long as he as the ability to come back & win the game aka Jim Kelly & Ben Roethlisberger.
  15. Quick - trade Tyrod to Miami for a first or second round draft pick.
  16. Tyrod is not starting NFL material. Give EJ/Cardale /anyone else.
  17. What is taking so long? Why haven't they announce Rex's firing yet?
  18. I have not missed a Bills game in well over 30 years but if Tyrod is the starting QB - I will not watch.
  19. I hope we keep Whaley & fire Rex based on Rex's QB decision alone not to mention all the other reasons.
  20. As long as Tyrod is the QB, I'm done with this team. If Rex doesn't see this then he needs to go.
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