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Everything posted by uncle_chappy

  1. you know i would say this was "obama's katrina moment" if that concept wasn't already completely redundant by now.
  2. are you sure you have read the law? thanks for making my point for me, either you've suffered a severe head trauma today or you're half-assing a devils advocate act.
  3. are you really asking me to read the order to you? maybe i will in a couple of hours after your mommy tucks you in and you're ready for a bedtime story. my god you're a lost cause aren't you!
  4. "merely grants the protections of the IOIA from search and seizure of assets and federal taxes" not really. it means that interpol is no longer subject to the freedom of information act. it means that interpol's headquarters at the justice department and its staff can no longer be searched. it means that all interpol documents are now free from legal subpoena. it means that interpol could keep files on all u.s. citizens and we have no right to redress. sure sounds like a threat to our "soverignty" to me.
  5. i cant speak to that, i can only speak to his lame explanation of bho's executive order which was nothing more than typical liberal sleight of hand and weasel words.
  6. "actual facts" dc tom didnt offer any "actual facts", just the liberal rationalization of obama's latest achievement.
  7. we'd be lucky to get a 5th for him. how many teams are there in the nfl whose rb position would be upgraded by lynch that don't already have young rb's on the roster they already like? seattle maybe?
  8. is "sovereignty" really such a difficult word?
  9. doesnt it seem like the texans get a huge first quarter lead every week just to give it all back over the next 3 quarters?
  10. thats true, seeing there is no such thing as "soverignty".
  11. yes i have. dont blame me for your inability to understand such "difficult" concepts.
  12. http://corner.nationalreview.com/post/?q=M...mQ0NmJiZDNmMDY=
  13. http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2009/12/23/t...-breast-cancer/
  14. http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/chi-tc-...0,2574141.story
  15. Wouldn't mind Fox but if we're not getting an "A-list" coach I'd rather go with one of the hot coordinators.
  16. http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,...1948146,00.html
  17. McShay is a charlatan.
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