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Everything posted by uncle_chappy

  1. http://www.naacp.org/get-involved/activism...12-22/index.htm the age of obama-chains you can believe in
  2. Haiti earthquake-obama's 12th "katrina moment"
  3. don't blame me, he should have used a more descriptive thread title.
  4. lol http://www.necn.com/Boston/Politics/2010/0...1263750720.html
  5. then he should cut 100 million dollars of taxes giving people more money to donate. then more money would get to haiti in a more efficient way.
  6. thanks for checking with us first barry.
  7. http://www.americanthinker.com/2010/01/ame...lahs_advan.html
  8. http://www.americanthinker.com/2010/01/rac...mas_americ.html had enough?
  9. he was also grinning ear to ear when doing the bills/colts highlights!
  10. when he was doing the halftime report of the bills/colts game? somethings up!
  11. obamas response? turn and run. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/ml_yemen_al_qaida feel safer yet?
  12. "chains you can believe in"
  13. all 3 served under billick at one point in time.
  14. they had great d's with mike nolan and rex ryan too.
  15. apples and oranges. as far as im concerned if bush cutting brush a few weeks a year is the price for 7+ years of no terrorist attacks on american soil then so be it.
  16. now would probably be a good time to remind everyone about obama's "civilian national security force".......
  17. while iranians fought for their lives... and radical islamofascists attempted to blow up another plane... http://new.wkzo.com/news/articles/2009/dec...ged-terrorist-/ and a suicide bomber killed 100 in pakistan... http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSSGE5BU0CQ20100102 obama was doing this http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/20...ia-youtube.html
  18. and what about FOIA requests?
  19. given the chance im sure obama would love to achieve this as well!
  20. what in the world are you taking about?
  21. now that the holidays are over and hopefully your head is cleared can you please re-read the order/law and explain to us how this is merely an issue of tax exemption. thank you.
  22. hope this vacation was worth it barry!
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