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Everything posted by uncle_chappy

  1. ladies and gentlemen we have a winner for smackdown of the year!
  2. when these far left wackos pull that talking point i just laugh.
  3. wait a second- this wasn't obama and al gore-it was osama bin laden. http://www.nypost.com/p/news/international...JDv35AOgf4ceSJN
  4. http://www.southbendtribune.com/article/20...6/-1/googleNews the battle moves to indiana.
  5. i think you're debating with yourself. lol
  6. i was thinking the same thing about 99% of your replies.
  7. acorn obviously.
  8. once again you prove that you don't know what in the hell you're talking about.
  9. TGFSB (thank god for scott brown)
  10. at least blount won't have any strikes against him and will hopefully play hungry as a 3rd-4th round pick. lynch is just fat, lazy, complacent, and is one strike away from a huge suspension.
  11. the man made a living spreading anti-american propaganda which was likely used by our enemies so forgive me for not wanting to eulogize him.
  12. lmao http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/28/us/28zinn.html
  13. and brown gets off to a lead!!
  14. he can't find coakley supporters because there are none. a dem doesn't lose mass when they have supporters.
  15. another reason to thank god coakley WONT be a us senator-she got an a plus from ACORN! http://www.nlpc.org/stories/2010/01/15/mar...akley-got-acorn
  16. obviously you or else you wouldn't be posting in this thread.
  17. who needs real time information when you have a hijacked thread, right?
  18. this isn't a thread about polling or the implications of brown's impending victory, just the turnout.
  19. how much do you want to bet that thousands of these "refugees" end up relocating to swing states.
  20. this is the first strike against obama's far-left entitlement agenda!
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