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Everything posted by CardinalScotts

  1. Im not exactly sad Marrone is not returning ...but think for a minute as coach. Where would you go with this team....you have EJ and no other QB...and a 1 year contract that is basically make or break win or your gone. I'd want an extention as we move forward with EJ as well - any coach would honestly and I think we all know it
  2. opposites....if your replacing a quite coach ala Mike Smith you go polar opposite like Rex . If your replacing a big mouth like Rex you go quite like a Shanahan
  3. sitting could be the best thing to happen to him, hopefully Orton showed him how to prepare. I'm not a huge believer in you had to play to coach but the one position I don't think you can really help unless you have is qb coach. haha not on this years team you haven't...shut off wgr
  4. not a big Orton fan appreciate what he did...honestly our run game is what killed this team. Prior to next year of I said the qb will have 4000 yds twice as many td's and int 24-12 and complete about 66% of the passes I think most of us with a brain would take it. Thats what we got from the qb's- its was the lack of a running game that killed our playoff hope. We could not run it a step
  5. 21-308-1-204 per game 76.6 qb ratings.......raiders chose that over schaub....Schaub is done
  6. because most realize it's not the play calling, in the inability to execute the play.
  7. No matter who they sign this board will blow up "oh god not him" Deider Brock came from CFL also 1985 rams lost to bears sb team in NFC Championship game.
  8. when he was drafted he was just 20....not a plug and play guy. Huge upside just bringing him along slowly again 20 playing against 27-32 year olds. He'll be fine in my opinion
  9. Joe b never had credibility....how could he from intern to beat writer is laughable.....no football experience at any level. But that's wgr 4 hosts of a sports talk show who couldn't throw a ball 10 feet in the air. Yet they prop joe b up there like he knows anything and what's worse ....the idiots who value his opinion
  10. exactly Marrone and Hackett coached him and said not good enough...this is the NFL. If it were that easy bring in Urban Meyer and pick up the trophy at the end.....this aint college. It's not simply recruiting or collecting the best players and coaching has NOTHING to do with anything THAT is college
  11. Sal credentials atleast include some high school coaching ....wtf are Joe B's?????????
  12. today i tuned in just for the press conference Schoop tells everyone he finds coach unlistenable and boring....how ironic. Unlike john harbaugh or mike tomlin or bill bellechik or andy reid or chuck pagano or tom coughlin or jim caldwell or lovie smith or mike smith or _____________ insert head coaches name here. This guy is a bozo and Buffalo deserves better.
  13. bad time as a player for him to leave.....not that he wouldn't be in the league but hardly any leverage as a starter.....he might stay for the final year.
  14. you cant trade your starter unless you have a plan behind him....so they deal Matt Ryan- now what (im talking for Atlanta)
  15. when your basing your opinons without merit your a moron, time to think for yourself. No one at WGR outside of Sal has played or coached football a day in their life. I'd love to watch Howard and Jeremy play catch the Schoop and Bulldog....that would be a site. Then tell about quarterbacking
  16. nothing wrong with the hit....wasn't a 50/50 proposition- was a brutal call in a brutal season. To think the NFL has elite athletes all over the field and my ref's are 65+ trying to run with them - it's a joke.
  17. no one is out there since 2006 the draft has brought Luck...Stafford (0-16 on the road against teams with a winning record) Kaep (who knows) RG III yikes and Russell "Hold them to 6 and i'll take it from here" Wilson thats 8 years of drafts.....THERE ARE NO QB'S AND NOTHING THIS YEAR EITHER
  18. yes it doesn't count NE didnt play all their "good" players all game
  19. do you know how difficult it is to do a radio show and not be negative? It takes work, takes preperation, no way will the morning group put the work in. Howie is whiner he thinks it's his calling card - enough of this moron time to move on Howard but who the hell would hire you? Instead we're stuck in a 1 sports radio town so of course the rating are too high with no other choice
  20. ya the whole GR my opinion is right although it's not based on anything is a joke. As ive said negative radio is the easiest to do especially when your not really a pro- ding! WGR
  21. get some help John...seriously
  22. dude needs help won't get any....rinse lather repeat. No thanks
  23. the great question is who are the good young offensive lineman in the NFL....Fisher is going to switch sides for KC their hoping he can hack it over there because he can't handle good pass rushers, very weak, Joeckel can't even get on the field for Jax and those are the #1 and #2 picks. Linemen take time and need to play with other good linemen
  24. 15 meaningful football games for the first time in 10 years, a non losing season for the first time in 10 years. This is a talented roster with good coaches- let them build something. A bad team would hit reset about now....like we USED to do
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