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Everything posted by CardinalScotts

  1. Rex gives the bills credability even the pay from 28th in the league down with the Jags, and Raiders and Browns to 10th- things are just different. Roman is the key obvious the defense pretty much plug in a guy (although I'm thrilled with Schwartz), his offense was 11th in points 3 of 4 years- get close to that. Rex had some early success in NY but hell that was 5 years ago now, on the other hand he's not walking into a rebuild he walking into a tweaking we were 9-7 against a tough schedule with no QB.
  2. do you see any other teams hiring their coach? No need to hurry.....scouts go to the College all star games not the head coaches (usually)
  3. often is not the best record but riding momentum playing well at the end of the season etc. some years some deserving teams don't make it....some years you can't find 6 good teams in each conference. I'd keep the playoffs the way they are. If you want to examine teams schedule you'll find most teams in the playoffs still just beat the bad teams and lose to the top ones...get to 9 or 10 and in
  4. from a coach to coach perspective Bill's a scum ball. beyond that there is a reason he kept doing it when told to stop...then told again and still kept doing it. It wasn't because it didn't help- guys wouldn't take steroids if they didn't help.
  5. Tim Graham is a baby I think we all know this...his twitter fights are childish to say the least. But in a world where my football team doesn't have a knowledgeable beat writer during Pegula's ownership run and the head coach search Tim Graham's twitter feed has been a great source of information.
  6. I'm actually upbeat about where this team is, the talent level on both sides as well as the age of most of the players. I'm excited about a new coach- I did not want Marrone back as it was- The defense is top 5 any way you want to slice it, the offense can only get better. We all know we need a QB and a couple of NFL guards but a year with young players like Glenn, Henderson, Woods, Watkins and others will only help in their development. As for our first round pick we are not talking about the 2-3-4-5-6 pick of the draft we would have the 19th or 20th depending on a coin flip going to Cleveland. Some of us act like "oh my god" no first round pick - picking that late we aren't getting a difference maker.
  7. the two advantages of Shanny are he has brought along young qb's before and will be given time to do it because he can flash he sb rings.....
  8. I like Eric Wood but coaches are there to motivate you one way or another....sitting around singing kumbiya isnt gonna stop Wilfolk from knocking back into you quarterback. The assistant coaches have a job to do
  9. couple things bother me...junior getting dragged around the NFL by his dad...just looks bad because I think Kyle has a good offensive mind No one in the history of the league as a coach has won a super bowl with two different teams.....and the league has been around awhile-. Mike hasnt been relevant in almost 18 years, the Bills would win the press conference but nothing else. I'd rather move Schwartz over or bring in Hue Jackson or Frank Reich the Bills might take a media hit on Reich but the guys only been coaching for 5 years and already a coordinator and well respected. Hue is tremendous offensive coach, completely under rated.. Lastly the guys who need to have a "name" hired what a pathetic arguement. Where did Mike McCarthy come from ? or Chuck Pagano, Mike Tomlin, John Harbaugh, Mike Caldwell hmmm kinda listing the playoff teams and not on purpose. Find a good coach and to hell with the idiot reactions
  10. there offense most of the time came after they were down 30 points, combined with really bad defensive teams Skins (twice) Eagles (twice) Falcons Titans etc. Good Fantasy team- bad football team
  11. Romo's td pass to take the lead....65 tackles the detroit lineman because he was beat to the inside. I hate both teams didnt care who won honestly - but two points the officiating has really gone down hill the last 5-6 years like really fast and secondly the NFL is corupt and it sucks the fun out of watching
  12. typical college guy wont work in the nfl
  13. depends on what your trying to accomplish.....build a winner that can compete for the super bowl- I wouldnt touch him. Leak into the playoffs and then exit the next week - ya he'll get you right there 9 10 wins.
  14. This roster is loaded with talent and it's his doing in two years
  15. would probably love to get out from under the 20 million dollars a year contract next year on the wrong side of 30
  16. what the hell is your problem with Reich?
  17. this is the guy I would try to hire..IF he's leaving the defensive staff as is
  18. was bringin AJ Smith him......... whew, that was too close
  19. or WGR employees
  20. hes a baby BUT he has good information- yes total negative spin look at the twitter pic sez all you need to know.
  21. ya this guys must have pictures of someone....i can not for the life of me figure out how he's on TV not only doing games but NFL network and pops on the radio too. I can honestly say he is the toughest guy to listen to for NFL I've ever heard and there are some other really bad candidates. Clueless but also a (*^*&%^$^#so I doubt anyone takes his comments serious
  22. he would have MORE of a point if Marrone stayed
  23. get real people....and were not going 14-2 with Rivers either ....Rivers has had some damn good teams look at his records your between 8-8 and 10-6
  24. Jack Del Rio- too long of a track record of crap others have no idea including Frank Reich - and he's coming
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