1.) Who "screwed them over"? The NBA owners AND players union? The people who stand to make the most $$ off the players is the NBA owners...So who again actually screwed them over? Maybe The owners AND players union thought it was a good idea to let the players develop a bit...gain experience. There are many many jobs in america that an 18 year old right out of high school is unqualified for, and would never get. The NBA is one of them.
2.) College football is a choice. You know when you pick an NCAA school that you will not be paid more than tuition, as well as the rules regarding selling your merchandise etc. No one forces you to do this, if you dont want to you dont have to. I deserve to get paid more than 40k/yr at my job, and I know this every day I walk into the doors, yet I choose to work there anyways cause there aint a better gig in town. Sucks, but hey, thats a capitalist society.
The reason they dont get paid is because where would it end? Does someone on the womens lacrosse team, which makes no money for the school at all, deserve to get paid as much as a football player? They are likely just as talented just in something different. Than the question becomes does a football player at UB deserve to make as much as someone at USC? Paying student athletes would kill college athletics in so many ways its ridiculous. Non money making sports would be cut (which would leave football and mens basketball essentially). A handful of schools would be ridiculously above the rest just because the difference in marketability the athlete would have for himself and students (yes students) would be making college choices based soley on money. Lane Kiffin would be selling these kids (many of which come from nothing) on the money aspect of going there, and nothing else. Remember these are 18 year olds, and college is supposed to prepare them for a future career (99% of which will be not football). Smaller schools and ones in unfavorable markets would totally phased out. Great rivalries like Michigan and Ohio state would lose relevance. Traditions lost. Thats why they dont pay student athletes.