Oh wow. I was born in 88. My favorite teams are the Bills, Sharks, Marlins, Fighting Irish, Fighting Sioux and Everton F.C. I've watched sports my whole life since I can remember those cool helmets with a Buffalo on em. I've only seen 4 championships in my lifetime. 2 of them I could truly enjoy and understood what it means to have bragging rights. (Although that next year was always terrible). I've been a die-hard Bills fan ever since I saw the uniform.
I live in ND. The only thing I had of Bills merchandise was a stocking hat. I wore that damn thing every day in the fall and winter, until it was worn out. But now of course there's the internet. I have been given hell since 4th grade for being a bills fan. It gets worse today, I defend the Bills honor, even if their right about what they say, or I'm too drunk to thinks straight an OJ joke or comment will end the conversation.
You've been to RWS and seen them in action and you are bitching!? I've met only a handful of bills fans in person. But all of us would give a vital organ just to see a Bills game at RWS. (Yes, I watched the whole Cle vs Buf game this year, THE WHOLE THING!) I could care less if Al Gore owned the team. It's the logo, the colors, the fellow fans, the small-area market.
Your not a die hard fan. I'm sure you'll be wearing a jersey of this years SB champs. Pathetic you need pity on an internet forum