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Everything posted by CarolinaBill
its a matter of volume, a fast food joint is smaller, lower volume in bursts a large full service restaurant is a different animal, its trickier, can be done, but tricky i myself worked at such a place where we had fresh fries and fresh sweet potatoes chips, it sucked, and I wasnt even a kitchen worker.
thats not something you typically want to waste labor cost on, if a restaurant is going thru the trouble of fresh cutting fries that probably means they do tons of other things, more important things, fresh every day
easier said than done, too many prepped fries=wasted product=high food cost= km loses $$/bonus, for most high volume places, it's not practical frozen fries, which are one of the few frozen items that are permissable IMO, are most cost effective, and the customers very rarely know the difference
you said before that to do fresh cut fries right you would par cook them right? so what happen when you run out? speed prep, without the par cook the result, inconsistent food quality, its not as much about laziness as it is consistency.
I thought for sure that was from "the onion", oh well, still pretty funny
Service is part of the product, you dont have to pat anybody one the head, or chit chat, frankly, the server 9 times out of 10 could care less about you or anything you have to say, our job is to be cordial while providing a service. You are a means to an end. what you don't seem to get is why anyone would be put off by a stranger being a jerk to them when they offer a simple response to a request. Do you get that? is that getting through? we are not "full of ourselves", is it unreasonable to expect a certain level of decency or respect? I don't think so I know for a fact I never intentionally disrespected any customer I ever came across, if you have some complex where you feel people are disrespecting you then that is your issue, but to assume a group of people are inherently full of themselves because they dislike being treated like second class citizens, or slaves in some cases, is ignorant. I hope you learned something from this lesson, servers are people just like you, "Do onto others as you would have them do onto you" maybe you should take that into consideration
No you shouldn't "cower down", but doesn't mean you have the right to act like a jack-ass either, if you ask for something, and the person responds "no problem", why give them a hard time, its a typical response to say no problem, what you are doin comes across like some self-important jackass. as i said previously, bad service is one thing, but for people like you, apparently, that make those type of comments, towards someone who is trying to do their job, its aggravating, esp since its clear that you think up these things and lie in wait to use them in public settings, again, grow up, if some one is treating you with civility, don't be a jerk in return. I know how to treat people, its not something you get from day one. btw, please enlighten me as to what is "emblematic" of "many in the industry", are you trying to imply something, cause if you are, why dont you come out and say it, stop being a coward and say what you mean.
I worked at the greenville embassy in HS, they have a huge breakfast every morning with all sorts of stuff-free, and the ever popular comp bar, free booze with a room key from 5-7pm
sorry, but it comes across like you are the typical !@#$ that nobody likes to wait on, I've seen it thousands of times. It seems like you somehow get your jollies from messing with people in the industry, and I'm sure they don't appreciate it, just like you would not like someone doing the same to you at your place of work. Be civil to service workers, you dont have to reply to a common response with a snide remark or some smart-ass comment like you made before.
No, it's not taught to be done mid-bite, thats just how it works out a large % of the time.
what a dick!!!^^^^^
yup and when you run out mid rush you have to speed prep, that makes the food quality inconsistent. It's a larger problem for full service places, like a Cheeseburger in Paradise, or a wild wing or something like that.
if only it were that easy, fresh cut fries is a huge pain in the ass, not as bad as potato chips, but its close
yeah you are missing something, many times, its other people with you that tell the staff about the b-day, lots of folks like to "surprise" their friends with an embarrassing song, and it sucks equally for the staff.
I worked as a cook also, before I was a server. And you're right alot of time its the servers fault, i guess my position comes from the view that after my first 6 months on the floor, roughly 95% of the things that went wrong in my section were b/c of dumbass food runners or the kitchen, however, the place I worked wasnt exactly "high-end" so we attracted alot of trashy people that didnt know how to act in public. The result, I got stiffed alot for stuff that I had no control over.
well, thats the way its supposed to be, the order is taken clockwise from 1st left, arranged on the try in the same order, obviously it doesnt always happen that way, but its a pretty universal system, been used in every restaurant i've ever worked in.
I hear on that one
poor service/poor tip is a completely understandable scenario, thats fair, what is lost on some people is where the lines blur in terms of server and kitchen staff example: I am very sorry we ran out of the osso bucco, the KM didnt prep enough for the dinner service, however, this does not make it ok to **** on me for relaying the message, I had nothing to do with it, so do not punish me.
thats the way things should be handled, a free dessert, a free rd of drinks, some sort of compensation for the inconvenience. I worked for a chain wing place that didnt understand that concept, it blew my mind.
what can I say, we have different experiences, most of my jobs have been at places where the service staff is saavy enough to understand that when they do a good job, and actually care they make more money. In those situations the biggest problem for the waitstaff is the kitchen, and food runners (who usually dont take the time to double check something, so if a mistake is made on the line, and both inside and outside expediters didnt catch it, it will hit the table wrong)
that is correct, and if you ask any server the phrase "I'm sorry about that ma'am/sir, I'll get that fixed for you right away" is a part of everyday life. My problem is the customer that then docks the tip, the server did their job correctly, why punish them for something that was not their fault, it's a dick thing to do, the cooks dont lose $$ or hours for everything they make wrong, the service staff is directly affected by others mistakes, it sucks and its unfair, and aggrevating, but thats part of the biz.
annoying things about restaurants: 1: people that walk in and bypass (or attempt to bypass) the seating process 2: snapping, waving, whistling or yelling to get the attention of the server, yes I see you, i will be there as soon as I can. 3: crying babies and people that talk on their cell phones throughout the entire meal from a customer standpoint 1: absentee servers when its not busy, really I know you dont have a full section, and I also know the cigarette couldve waited 10 min. stop slacking and do your job. 2: please dont ask if I want a refill on a non-alcoholic beverage, of course I do, why would I want to eat a meal without a beverage, dont ask, just bring it, Its called, "silent service" 3: stop trying to upsell me if I dont bite on the initial push, its annoying and aggrevating, I heard the speech, now let me decide. there's alot more on both sides, I just cant think of any more at the moment.
if its something visible, that the server should be able to notice, then yes its their fault, but as in the example of a steak cooked wrong, that has nothing to do with the server. Voicing displeasure about something and being a jerk are completely different, people can complain about whatever they like, its expected, but when someone holds a server accountable for things that are out of their control, thats where I, as a former industry employee and someone who obviously respects the job, have a problem. One of the larger issues that I find disturbing is the way that many people treat their service industry workers, it borders on 2nd class for some people, respect is a two way street, if I am respectful and courteous of you and anything you need, you should at least give me the same respect back. in terms of writing things down, I was a guy that could memorize up to about 15, but that was pushin it, and it was better used for groups of 2-6.
there is a system, the order is supposed to be entered in the computer in order( first person on the left and on around), then the order is supposed to be placed on the try in that same order with the ticket on the first item, that way you just take the ticket off and pass everything out clockwise, announcing each item clearly as you place it in front of each guest
maybe you should have confidence in the professional standing in front of you, more often than not, when your precious order is wrong, its a kitchen issue, the waiter did his/her job correctly, but because you cant go yell at the kitchen, you take it out on the hard working individual who has the daunting task of trying to provide you with a pleasant experience. I'd even go as far to say that your probably one of those !@#$s that will dock whatever tip you may have had in mind for things that are out of the servers control, congratulations, you're an ass that nobody likes to wait on.