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Everything posted by CarolinaBill

  1. actually he really does have his own endzone dance, shown its pretty badass, dont know where he came up with it, but I hope he continues to use it. its about 18 seconds in
  2. but we got an LT anyway, and a good NT prospect (one thats in shape and wont be coming out every other play), and the most explosive player in the draft, so...... I think we made out good regardless
  3. I'm loving the draft also, very much looking forward to watching alex carrington, excited about brohm getting a fair shake, the WR corps, ed wang, pretty much the whole thing. I am of the opinion the our D will be much improved and the O couldnt get much worse, so we have to be better right.... IDK, we'll see, but right now, hope springs eternal, as they say, so GO BILLS!!!!!!
  4. Spillers comment about adjusting to the weather was hilarious "I played at clemson, and it got cold there so...." Clemson, SC vs. Buffalo, NY I can't wait to hear his thought come Dec/Jan
  5. jesus H christ, american kids at an american school wearing an american flag, and they get in trouble????!!!!!! Its a sad, sad day in AMERICA!!!
  6. actually I haven't seen that movie yet, So I don't know what you're talking about. I can understand frustration with Maybins big talk/no production, but he did play totally out of position. He should be a better fit in the 3-4 this yr @ OLB, thats what the experts pegged him as coming out, anyone who really thought he was an NFL DE was high or stupid (DJ). Also, it should be noted that when it comes to the Bills I am an eternal optimist, so I'm prayin like a mofo that maybin and all our other high rd picks make an impact in this new scheme
  7. hopefully this will increase the # of underclassmen that stay in school to finish their degree also.
  8. Jamarcus russell is the latest, and largest reason to have a rookie salary cap, that bum got 30 mil to do jack squat in oakland, its not right. Hopefully this new CBA addresses the problem.
  9. Not every great QB wins a SB, its a team game, but Rivers has always been a consistent winner, which is light yrs ahead of anything trent has ever accomplished
  10. yes, but I've liked brohm since we signed him last year, and even coming out of college, so I hope he does well and wins the Job.
  11. No kidding, I never knew a harmless non-vulgar picture would be such a lightning rod, sheesh
  12. Gotta love the KSK stuff, esp the rex ryan motivational speech interrupted by Rivers, that was EPIC.
  13. if clausen gets as good as rivers we will look like fools for passing on him, he can be a punkass jerk all he wants if he's winning football games. Oh, and thats on the field only, rivers is a great guy off the field.
  14. Upside? Upside? what are you talkin about, didn't you see his preseason games, he clearly can't make it in this league, preseason is a big deal buddy, and brohm flunked the preseason greatness test big time, plus in his 1 regular season start, when he had a week to prepare with the 1st team and No QB coach and most the starting oline on the PUP list, he was bad. Man, I cant believe you think he has upside, LOOK AT THE PRESEASON!!!!! thats all you need......... J/k Alpha, I'm right there with ya, I think BB will win the starting job.
  15. the potential of harvey and watkins is intriguing, keeping them around would be wise if the staff feels they are coachable enough to improve. Ellis is in a make or break yr. a disappointment as a DE so far, hopefully his conversion to OLB is smooth and we can get production out of our former 3rd rd pick
  16. God forbid the Qb is assertive, and takes control of practice, geez what a Jerk, he should be more like trent.....
  17. absolutely disgusting..... Young kids being punished for showing Patriotism, this is really sickening..... I'll leave it at that
  18. its not supposed to be funny, its the only good picture I could find of Rivers
  19. Brohm is essentially a rookie anyway. I think the extra time with the 1st unit will be great for him, if you listen to his interview I think he realizes this is his big chance, so I wouldn't be surprised to see him come out on top after its all said and done. From the sounds of it he really didnt have a chance last yr with AVP pulling dbl duty, what a Joke that regime was.
  20. "I didn't know you like fat chicks"--Ben Rapelisberger It doesn't take multiple head injuries for that to be said, the guy is a Douche bag, plain and simple. "He once asked out a married woman in front of her husband"-- again, this is not because of brain trauma, BR is simply a jerk, and thinks he can get any woman he wants.
  21. Cry me a friggin river, you think you are the only one, who's being self centered now. Again, you have taken a common phrase and taken it too far, it is not intended as disrespect, that seems to be something you and you alone have an issue with. so I'm an idiot now.... ok, didnt you chide me earlier for the exact same thing? you are citing examples from FAST FOOD, white castle and steak and shake are not traditional restaurants, try again again you sink to a new low, so now i'm an idiot, and I am unable to do a primary aspect of my job. hmmm, for someone that knows nothing about me, you sure do think you know alot and finally, if, if, if, woulda coulda shoulda.... you dont know how I work, as a matter of fact, I have been promoted at every restaurant job I've ever had, so I doubt you would "can" one of your best employees, but thanks for the boost. once more, you have proven that you have no idea what you are talking about, you're like a monkey trying to screw a doorknob (its a good effort, but it just won't work). I hope you take this as a lesson to not get involved in a conversation you cant handle, respond if you like, but I am done with you, you are no longer worth the time and effort. Have a Nice day
  22. and there it is in a nutshell, clearly, you have never done the job, and have absolutely no respect for the job. well, guess what, it's a tough way to make a living, and the last thing these hard working individuals need is someone like you patronizing their place of work. Do yourself, and the employees a favor and stay home, or go grab some fast food, where being friendly isnt a prerequisite for the job, I promise both sides will be much happier.
  23. its all part of the game, quality, cost, profit, as a manager you have to keep track of all that stuff, and make the best decisions possible.
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