I've been high on Enderle for quite a while now. While he does have all the measureables and a nice arm/quick release, the fact is that he is a developmental guy. Now thats not to say that he couldnt one day be a solid starter in the NFL, but he will need some time. Is he as big of a project as Levi Brown? Probably not IMO As a matter of fact, I actually like his long term prospects better than Blaine Gabbert, however, whichever team selects Enderle (rd4/5) will have to be patient. A team like houston or even, and I hate to say this, New England would be wise to grab him and start the process.
With all that said, unfortunately, Buffalo doesnt have the time to invest in Enderle, esp. since we already have Brown 1 yr into the system. Chances are we will take Newton if available, and Im ok with that.