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Everything posted by CountDorkula

  1. Is Peyton the worst starting QB in the NFL right now? I'd say he is definitely in the running for it.
  2. In two days : "Bills Sign Ryan for Defensive assistant"
  3. Ive done both. Won and lost. Last week was a decent win week. So I let $20 ride on a contest A lot more people lose than win. The contest I am in now has spots for 286,250 contestants. The total prize pool is $5,000,000. $1,000,000 to first. The top 63,000 places pay. In this structure 200,000+ are going to lose money.
  4. So ill take my $25 and spread it over 17 weeks with a chance at return. You take your $25 and spend it at the bar in one night. How is either one an "idiot" as you say, if they both get enjoyment out of it?
  5. You go all in with 2,9 The other player goes all in with pocket kings. the flop is 2,9,4 Turn is a Q River is a 2 IS that luck or skill?
  6. The NHL as a league invested something like $300,000 into these sites. How is that not a conflict of interests?
  7. This is where I disagree. It is 10% thought and 90% luck. If I choose Blake Bortles and he throws 2 TDs against the Rams You chose Aaron Rodgers and he gets hurt. You were just unlucky there even though we both put thought into it.
  8. With all the talk of these sites (Yes the commercials are annoying) what is your take on these sites?
  9. And he only has himself to blame for that... I will go on record stating I hated Rex's antics when he was in NY/NJ. And I still hate them now. (Many of you did too, but now he is the Bills coach and "Its Rex being Rex) But that's for another time. I think you underestimate it. It goes from we are going to go out and win this game to we are going to go out and Kick the S*** out of these guys.
  10. Wait, are you implying that Rex is the Bills coach so now all the stuff we hated him for in NY, now is just "Rex being Rex"?
  11. This is just false. Currently, the Bills are not adopted by the masses. It has gone from"I'm sorry you're a Bills fan" to "You're a Bills fan, you're stuck with Rex" followed by a bunch of laughing...
  12. There making millions (Billions in Terry's case) would say otherwise.....
  13. Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner.......... Yea I went there.....
  14. Sheldon Day is very good. probably a late first. 2nd rd pick.
  15. Bravo everyone. Ripping a guy for speech issues. Bravo. Maybe we can go after Sammy next for spending time with his kid.
  16. They dont... http://www.eonline.com/news/619325/14-crazy-and-ridiculous-fines-nfl-players-have-received http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/11677012/nfl-players-subject-fine-adhere-league-logo-guidelines http://thinkprogress.org/sports/2015/10/19/3713655/nfl-fines-player-honoring-father/
  17. Apparently it is also a crusade if you think he just needs to dial it back a bit.... You think the Bills are happy he wore a Clemson hat? Just seems odd to me he would do that. I thought you were not allowed to wear unlicensed NFL gear. Fine coming?
  18. Robert Woods is a good #2/3 WR.
  19. Sammy just did this last game. after he was tackled he threw it forward behind his back. It was subtle, but by the NFL rules It should have been a delay of game penalty.
  20. I happen to agree with it, Im not sure why you need those 2-3 extra beers before going into the stadium, but that is just me.
  21. Technically, according to the law, it is illegal. Sooo.... And it has been going on for a few years. they are trying to cut down on the drunk idiots.
  22. Percy = SJ? SInce when. When Percy plays a full season, or ever plays a game again, please let me know.
  23. Agreed. Many of the NFLPA sided with Incognito. Most of if not the entire Dolphins locker room did....
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