The NFL does not suspend base on law, they suspend based on PR consequences.
Hitting an average joe, not good PR
Hitting a police officer (Off duty or not), really bad PR.
Hes going to get more than 3 games, I have no doubts.
A person called Ray Rice is sitting watching this closely because there is a video of McCoy punching someone.
Because of that incident McCoy is gone for awhile.
There is a video of him throwing a punch. In the court that is one punch too many. If the civilians want to press charges of assault against McCoy, video is there. It does not matter if he was the most egregious offender.
Did not know that.
For the AVG fan then who wants to watch football and be downtown. Go see UB play for 15 a ticket compared to 60 a ticket. get to see the bills new fancy stadium.
Its going to take a lot more than just a stadium to turn UB around though.
UB Needs to pony up the money and go get a Legitamite head coach. Im talking an OC from Clemson or DC from Alabama type Deal (I know the Bama DC went to GA).
You answered your own question. The tickets would be a lot cheaper, and the kids would be downtown.
I think it is a super smart decision for UB to do this.
The game was pretty bad, in terms of football. IF that was a Sunday Night game in week 13, the game is forgettable.
2 offensive TD's both from 1-3 yards out.
No huge plays on offense.
Overall just meh.
No, it didnt. This "Find" has nothing to do with the situation really. The off duty officers went to the hospital (Rightfully so) and then the police were contacted.
You seem to have a serious vendetta against police.
I hope you never have to call them in an emergency. That would totally crush your manhood wouldn't it?
The way I look at it.
I want McCoy to be innocent because A) It means he is not an idiot. B) he plays an important role on thsi team.
If he is found guilty of any wrongdoing I want the bills to seriously look into getting relief or any sort of action they can and just be done with him.