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Everything posted by CountDorkula

  1. Or the QB just didn't throw the up top passes. Can't the blame be on both Roman and Taylor?
  2. rewatch the game bud, when tyrod was flushed from the pocket he had open WR and missed them. Aka on the run
  3. Tyrod was crap both from the pocket and on the run. This is on him.
  4. B.S. go look at the top WR today. All with over 100 yards. Either the QB sucked or the coordinator is a scared POS. I'm gona go with both.
  5. I disagree. The Bills could very well have taken a step back this year. Released very good players on defense. The draftees that were supposed to fill those spots are injured. Between suspensions and release because of off field issues, its extremely easy for someone to say this team may take a step back. They had negative off season.
  6. Or, the Bills have been terrible and until they actually prove that they are a good team they are continue to get crapped on by the experts. And frankly, I can't blame them for doing so.
  7. For the more negative people (not syaing you). Defense still looks lost Tyrod vomits on himself Sigh, always next year
  8. Week 1 is here. lets have them! Bills come out a blaze Defense surprises the mass Baltimore goes down
  9. Try to listen to another local radio show. We have 680 the fan down here in ATL. You begin to appreciate WGR.
  10. Grilled pineapple with cinnamon! so good. but i get it, to each their own.
  11. Can you please start one of these for January/February. When the John Murphy show is airing from 12-3 and there is an important Sabres game that night.
  12. One of my favorite things on this board "The Morning/afternoon show is the worst" I don't listen to them anymore, just the other day they were talking about (xxxx) I had to turn it off"
  13. So what you are saying is the regional station should stick to its regional schedule? Can I bash WGR for talking Bills Football in January and February? Or is that different?
  14. "Jim Rome Hasn't been relevant in Years, but i still like to bash him of message boards" So what you are saying is Football is more popular than hockey outside of Buffalo. Shocker. Still fail to see how this has anything to do with a regularly schedule program. ESPN is talking Tim Tebow signing for minor league baseball, can we shun them too? because NFL and stuff.
  15. Or how about we give this a second and see how this plays out to see what he can bring to the team. It took 10 minutes though for the criticism to start to say we gave up to much though.
  16. Agreed, minus Jeff Tuel. The only person I ever wanted cut was Jeff Tuel, because TBD wanted him to be the starting QB.
  17. Fly from Atlanta to Buffalo Thursday. Wedding Friday Family gathering Saturday Golf Sunday morning Fly back to Atlanta Sunday night. Monday, do nothing
  18. This version of S&G - Sound of Silence.
  19. I liked Mettenberger and Murray that year....
  20. Read my sig line, that is really all there is to say. it goes toward both the negative and positive side.
  21. I don't expect 0-6 but i don't expect a winning season either. I think this year is going to be a painful 8-8.
  22. I'm good with it, People who cry about "But Pegula said he wasn't in it for the money" need to take a business 101 class. The Bills have missed on on upwards of $50MM dollars because of not selling naming rights. Thanks Ralph for not moving the Bills we appreciate it eternally. But it's the Pegulas team now and they can do whatever they damn well please.
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